Chapter 4

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You have reached the fourth chapter of this crap. Just so you know, the achievement of yours is honoured and needs to be celebrated!

 Just so you know, the achievement of yours is honoured and needs to be celebrated!

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"Don't force the pieces that don't fix."

The smell of iron and grass caressed her nose as she hissed in agony. The world was round and she was in its centre. She ruled it through, not letting the evil snatch it from her. But then she lost it. She lost hope. She lost everything she had including the one she needed. She fell through the great hole of pain and there sure was no return.

"The higher you go, the harder you fall."

She opened her eyes slowly to meet with a pair of giant golden ones, its shiny canines protruding through his toothy mouth. Its face was straight to hers, the damp nose almost touching her forehead. She couldn't scream, though her inner self wished to. Don't show fear. The only thing she could have done was what she did.

She stared back intensely, her eyes glowing a deadly black. The creature whimpered and walked away, his tail between the legs. Phoenix tried to get up but noticed that her arms were tied onto something. She didn't struggle to get off though. Her eyes wandered around, judging the place. It looked like a cage, a small cell. The notion of being restrained in a small space sickened her.

The yellow-eyed creature, which she realised was a wolf, sat on the other end of the prison, his face away from her. "Hey, bud." She called out and it turned around. "You have any idea of where I am?" The wolf looked at her with a lazy expression. "I can get us out if you tell me."

Then she realised two factors. One, she just talked to an animal expecting it to talk back. And two, if she didn't know where she was taken to then how would a wolf know? She also realised something bonus, the fact that she has already lost her mind.

She pulled her arms gently towards her and the chain came off. She stood up straight, her bare legs feeling alive again. Phoenix walked slowly, making sure that no noise is heard. She touched the cell door softly and closed her eyes in concentration and the door pulled by itself.

Phoenix stepped outside and looked around. The corridor was whole black with glazing fire torch every few meters. She took the right and started strolling through until she heard voices. The voice wasn't coming from her front but behind. And the voice was talking directly to her.

"Don't you remember all these?" The voice said in a sickening rhythm. She turned around and saw none. "You are so young and naïve. Who would have thought that you would step into this realm?"

"Than would never return. You don't have to search for her. Than is dead. And so will you be, soon."

"Who are you?" She asked to the voice. "Where am I?"

"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies." The voice said, this time a bit louder. "She did just that. Than betrayed her siblings. She betrayed the world."

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