Chapter 8

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Oh my goodness! Did you honestly click on this chapter for reading? Or was it all a coincidence? Because YOU ARE TOO AWESOME TO REACH CHAPTER EIGHT!!

Oh my goodness! Did you honestly click on this chapter for reading? Or was it all a coincidence? Because YOU ARE TOO AWESOME TO REACH CHAPTER EIGHT!!

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"Hey there!"


"Can you stop being so cute?"

"PHOENIX! Wake up you snoring head. We are going to be late for the classes." The sudden and vigorous shake on her shoulders let her jolt up and stare at the thirty-two toothed monkey who was staring back at her. "School, Ed! Your favourite place on the planet."

She looked around to find herself on her own bed in her room, the black walls giving her more assurance. But, where was she? What was that dream?

"Phoenix!" Ayden called out again, snapping his finger in front of her eyes. "Done with your beauty sleep?"

She closed her eyes for a while, checking if any voices were trying to talk to her. The strings of thoughts were absent as Phoenix sighed, realising that she was safe for the day. The thought of that easily-offended arrogant large talking cat she encountered being a dream soothed her a bit. But that creature had summoned her or so it said. What if it returns?

"Phoenioxon Solstice!" Ayden screamed at her face.

What is happening? What if she has to search for the incapable lion's stupid wife? The notion of playing hide and seek didn't help her nerves. Why did a god want her help in the first place?

"Phoenioxon Granthanio Solstice!" He held her shoulders tightly and started shaking her vigorously.

What if it was only a dream, after all? Maybe it wasn't any sort of meet by a random god. The one she envisioned was only a picture of her nightmares.

The sudden waterfall that went down her body bought her back to reality to find Ayden smiling victoriously. It was irritating how he could produce water from the tips of his finger, especially at the start of sun shine.

She knitted her eyebrows together and stared at him. "What is wrong with you! Give me some extra credits for keeping up with you lot." Phoenix said as she leaned back into the bed, wanting to think more about the encounter with the talking cat. "Go away! The King needs to sleep."

Ayden rolled his eyes at her frolics. He struck his hand towards her face, sprinkling more water which forced her to cover her face with the duvets and lay down facing her pillow, an action she always hated to do.

She muffled through the pillow. "I sleep in a jungle of monkeys and horses."

"You are funny!"

The sudden voice caused in her a wave of shock as she shot up from the bed and ran to the washroom but unfortunately, her legs gave away. She fell face-first on the ground. The ear-splitting laughter that came from Ayden didn't do anything to subside the one that emerged from her brain.

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