Chapter 17

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She woke up in her own room, being seated on a puddle of her own blood. Her body was sweating irrationally which lead her to touch her neck to get hold of a cold material.

Phoenix stood up and pulled off the metal to find a pendant hanging on her hand. A black pendant with a peculiar design. She left it on the bed and walked out of the room, wanting to find her sister as fast as possible.

She banged on Cyrus's door which led the door to leave its hinge. "What is the matter Phoenix?" Cyrus shouted at her.

"Tell me why you're avoiding me." Phoenix stated calmly, though it was understood that smoke would emerge from her ears any moment.

Cyrus took a deep breath. "I am not avoiding you. Why would I? Who are you to me?"

"No one." Phoenix whispered. "I am no one to you." There was a moment of silence until the lips curved in a smirk. "Now that was melodramatic. Where are the fake tears?" She asked laughing to find Cyrus giving her a serious look.

"You know what? You are nothing like the sister I once had. My Phoenix was funny with dark humour, not someone who tried to kill herself for an unreasonable cause. You changed. A lot!"

"I was always the way I am. Irrational. Dark. Deadly. Imaginative. It's your perspective that changed."

Cyrus walked to her and touched her arm where she had a small bruise. "What am I seeing here then? A cut from a noble act you did?"

"Yes." She shook her head. "A cut from a noble act of keeping up with gods."

"Gods?" Cyrus arched her eyebrow, contemplating on whether or not her sister has lost the last grey cells she had. "You did change Phoenix and trust me, it's not for good."

"I am telling you the truth Cyrus. Believe me. Or read my brain so you would see every piece of truth in my words." She said, holding her temples. "Why would I lie on something so bizarre? To change my reputation? No Cyrus, I am not lying."

"Oh, yes you are. Your brain depicts nothing but the thoughts of a normal King." She said and stuck her arm in her pocket. "Not that I care though, why would I? You yourself told me that I am nothing to you."

Cyrus pulled a shining metal which eerily looked similar to the pendant, this one being a bit more bigger and longer. Cyrus smiled innocently but that started to change drop by drop, her lips curving in a weird proportion. Her ears started to grow more from the top portion, making them look like those belonging to elves. Cyrus continued to stare, her eyes turning golden.

"I am nothing to you." She said in a rough voice as she pushed herself from the floor and floated on the air. "I am nothing to you." She repeated as she pulled at the chandelier making it fall down the sound of which wasn't so pleasing. "I am nothing to you." She hissed.

Phoenix stood there, not knowing what to do, what to say let alone what to think. "I don't understand." She whispered. "You're not a normal super natural."

"Normal super naturals would run seeing me in this state." Cyrus said in an ear splitting tone. "How dare you call me abnormal."

"Because you look like one." Phoenix said and smiled. "Are you trying to make me scared of you?" Cyrus didn't respond. "I know this is a sad joke but sorry King Cyrus, it didn't work out well."

"You are going to pay." Cyrus lunged at her, the metal she had on her arm lengthening into a sword. "You are going to pay, Than."

Phoenix produced her claws as she stared at the outraging Cyrus. "You lost your memory too, King." She said as she dodged the sword which was almost going to cut her ear. "You need to practice mind fullness, Cyrus."

"Shut up." She hissed as she swing her sword again and again and again, all being dodged professionally by Phoenix. "You will pay for all these, Than." She hissed and evaporated away, leaving behind the sword which has now shortened in its size.

This alarmed Phoenix. She didn't expect her sister to die this fast. She turned and looked all through the room to find nothing peculiar other than the broken chandelier which was so beautiful, now in pieces.

"Than, you will pay!" A voice said from above. Her face shot up to find someone up there, but no. No one. "Sephtis, you will pay!" Another voice said, both sounding distinct as though one was from male and other belonging to a woman.

"Who are you?" Phoenix whispered lowly.

"And this time, Caphis wouldn't come for your aid." A laugh erupted from her left and a cry from her right as the voice from the top continued. "Hail wouldn't come for your aid."

"Who are you?" She asked in a louder tone.

"You will die, Than, and so will this world end." A new voice said, this one coming from behind. "Sephtis will come to an end soon."

"And so will Hail."

She kneeled down, clutching to her head as she stared around the room, hoping that all these would stop. "Who" She took a sharp intake. "Are" She slowly got hold of her claws. Phoenix extended her hand to the air to come in contact with a hard material, which to her was invisible. She pulled it to her and hissed, silver venom protruding out of her mouth. "You?"

But the feel she had on her hand left and so did the voices. She looked around again just to make sure that she was alone.

"Than. Sephtis. Hail. Caphis." She said to herself, trying to remember them. "Than. Sephtis. Hail. Caphis."

"What are you doing in my room Nix?"

"Well, shoot!"

DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH.. Thanks for reading!

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