Chapter 14

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"What do you mean? You are a Trino? But all Trino are-" He didn't let her finish, dragging her by the wrist to the direction opposite to where Cyrus went. She expected him to take her to the opening that led to the beautiful grounds of the academy. But instead, he took an abrupt curve towards a closed room. He pulled her to the room and closed the door behind him.

"Please take a seat." He requested, though his voice was rough with anger. She sat down on one of the many seats in the class room and stared at him, awaiting for him to start. "I am a Trino. And I hope you know something about them."

She swallowed a bit and cleared her throat. "Yes, a bit. I know that Trinos are the better looking super naturals." Titan smiled at her response, though the atmosphere is supposedly tense.

"Trinos are indeed the most charming of all super naturals. But that's not what I wished to hear. Any other information about them?"

"Well, my notorious brain is incapable of storing such information. Why not you yourself enlighten me?" She asked, folding her hands against her chest. "I am not a greatly knowledgeable being, anyways."

"Fun is later Phoenix. Now tell me what you know about the great Trinos." Titan said and sat across her.

"Trinos are said to be made directly by the unknown." Phoenix said. "A beautiful species with the worst reputation for being good."

"How about a more descriptive description instead of your sole thoughts."

She rolled her eyes before speaking, "The ones which have special powers, one unique and different from the other. All of them can read minds and have the strength of ten elephants. Mysterious and monstrous, they are good at persuading people too."

"That's all you know about them?"

"Precisely, yes. Other than the fact that they are-" She stopped suddenly and closed her eyes. Her jaws clenched, showing off the sharp line. "I didn't expect that." Phoenix looked straight at him, not moving her eyes at all.

"You didn't expect what?" He said in a mocking voice, smirking like a hyena.

"You are a deity." She stated. "But, how? I mean, you can't be one. Not all Trinos are children of gods. What am I thinking? Of course you are not."

"Gods, this is bad." Phoenix looked at him, trying hard to break down the facts. "You read my mind, is a little too beautiful to be real, omnipotent?, makes people hate you." She lowered her head for a second. "You are a god? A Trino God?"

Titan's smirk faded a bit as he looked down in disappointment. "You were much more intelligent on those days."

"Those days?" That phrase captured her attention. "What do you mean?"

He mildly shook is head and whispered something. With one more glance at her, he left the room. Phoenix was in a daze. Well, more than that. She was clearly blind founded. The series of happenings were starting to get to her.

Titan was surely a person who wasn't just a Trino, or so she thinks. He was something more, who has some more history behind the amber eyes. And she somehow felt that his life has something to do with hers.

Phoenix walked out of the room, still in thought heading to the parking lot, not wanting to stay in the academy anymore. She got on her horse and rod off, letting it guide her way.

Her need of the situation was to collect data, data about anything that could satisfy her bickering brain.  She already had a lot in her head. But why is this so bothering? She thought, why would this even matter?

But deep down there she knew the reason. And she knew that she has only one choice; to find it.

Her horse came to a halt ahead of a cliff which stood North to her palace. She tied the horse to a tree and sat down on the grassy land, sniffing in the nature's fragrance. She closed her eyes as the words started to pour out of her mind. Things bothering her and those which don't, all connecting to each other as a web.

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