Chapter 20

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Chapter 20? You reached chapter 20? That's unbelievable!

"You have the right to know as you're supposed to help us." Selena informed. "I don't care about any rules here because if there is no earth, there is no rule. And trust me, if you fail in this duty, we will have to construct a third earth."

Phoenix didn't know the consequences. She didn't understand why she is chosen for such an important job. But she knew one thing, the fact that life in itself hates her. "Go on then, Selena."

"I am going to start from the very beginning, whether you know about them or not." She said. "First there were the sun and moon gods. The most ancient deities. The names being Grant and Leo."

"Oh, I thought Grant was the collective name for the three off springs of sun." Phoenix interrupted.

"The sun and moon, Grant and Leo had two sets of kids. The Grants and the Leos. They were only named after their parents." Selena explained. "The Grants, the first set of children of the sun god, constitutes the inorganic matters of the universe and this earth, in scientific terms. The skies, waters and, well, the underworld. They are called the Great God Grant."

"So the name come from their parents?" Annette nodded at her.

"The second set of children, the Leos, constitute of other materials which are not necessarily materials. Like love, life and healing. They are mostly associated with the Grants."

"Also, they are the ones who were supposed to substitute the Grants in their absence." Annette added. "But it wasn't of much luck."

"Why not?" Phoenix asked but they didn't give an immediate answer. Instead, Selena continued the talk.

"After the creation of the first earth and billions of years afterwards, when the democratic government was established almost everywhere, a fight emerged between the first borns. It wasn't just a fist and returning to apologise fight. That one was war. And it was caused by the evil god, Equinox."

Phoenix had a blank expression on her face. "Nose-what?"

"Equinox was the brother of Grant, the sun god. He is the god of evil, more evil than the god of death herself."

"So, why did Equinox cause this fight to emerge?" Phoenix asked. "Only to make trouble and chaos and wars and end?"

"No, he wanted to rule. He wished for power. Not any kind of power, but that of the Great Grants." Selena explained. "He wasn't so powerful though, not as powerful as the triplets. But he persuaded one of them to do things that would come to his benefit."

"Was the one trapped the god of death?" Phoenix asked.

Annette nodded slightly. "The god of death, the third of the Grants, was chosen as the victim for his plans. But the fact is, she didn't fall for it. She tried to play along so that she understands the motive of Equinox."

"The fight ended in a bad manner though. The sky was outraged. And so were the waters. They weren't ready to listen to their fellow sister. Instead they proclaimed war, destroying everything that comes between." Selena said.

"The dead came alive. People were summoned by the dead. Some got multiple souls. The air was unevenly distributed, leading to more troubles. The water turned impure, The pure liquid mixing with the unholy waters of the underworld. Places started to flood. In short, chaos and confusion ruled."

"So, that's how the first world ended?" It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"The Grants went missing on that day, all three of them. The Leos took charge and helped their parents build a new earth. Life started to form." Annette stopped for a moment. "Everything went smoothly and Equinox planned to return."

"It's been eighteen years since he started activating his powers. He had been waiting for the earth to take form and flourish."

"He tried to get hold of the underworld first and now he's touching the waters." Selena said. "In a matter of time the world would be in the hands of evil. And the only factor that could help us out is the return of the Grants. The return of the real rulers over the sky, water and underworld."

"Wow. So, my duty is to get them back?" Phoenix asked. "But Tide hadn't told me any of these."

"Tide wouldn't. He wasn't sure if it could do any good. But we know your potential. You can get them back. Get Than and she will do the rest."

"Than?" Phoenix asked, the term rolling over her tongue. "I have heard it before. Than, Sephtis, Hail, Caphis. I have heard those in my brain. Who are they?"

Annette let out a sigh and spoke up. "Than Sephtis is the name of the god of death while Hail Caphis is the name of the god of the life."

"Than is the wife of Tide? Tide's real name is Hail?" Annette approved of that statement. "So I have to find Than and my duties are over?"

"No Phoenix, that would be a little too easy for you." Selena smiled. "You have to find Than and find her past for her."

"How will I see her past?"

"You're a special super natural. You were born to fulfil your purpose."

"The creator of the past, the darkness. Than."

Selena turned, intending to leave, only to be called out by Phoenix. "One more question. Who are you?"

She smiled sweetly. "The first born among the Leos, the god of healing." And almost immediately, she vanished.

"Won't you find her?" Annette asked when they were alone. "Than is my love and I want to meet her."

"I thought you have seen her everyday. You told me that not an hour ago." Phoenix stated.

"Time is relative after all." She grinned. "Promise me you would find her."

Phoenix didn't know how to answer. It's not because she felt she couldn't but because she remembered the person who awaited for his wife. "I will do my best."

"See you soon then." Annette said and headed for the door.

"Wait," Phoenix called out. "What god are you?"

"Do you really want to know?"

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