Chapter 22

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I am saying sorry in advance! Please don't hate me!!

"What?" She asked.

"I already have your soul with me, Than." He whispered, staring at something behind her. "I have your soul and now you belong to me. To the evil."

"I don't understand." Phoenix asked, not because she wished to know, but to distract him from reaching Ayden.

"You wouldn't. But you could, if you join me. If you would help me rule the world."

"Tell me now and I shall think about it." She said. "Tell me everything I need to know."

"You should never trust the sun god nor his off springs, especially the god of the living. He will demand you to do things but never fall for him. Trust me, I am the only true ruler of the world."

"Any other advises, Mr. Know-It-All?" She asked, looking at the ceiling for the eleventh time.

"Never, and I mean never, go anywhere in the hope of finding the entwined legacy." He said firmly.

"The entwined legacy? Now, what is that?" Phoenix asked, keeping an eye on whether Ayden is moving or not.

"The riches collected from early days to present to whoever finds the Grants. They are entwined because, well, it is believed that two people will be needed to find them. And you, my King, shall never go for it."

Ayden had stood up have way as she viewed him through her peripheral vision. "I am dragged to this whole world of gods. Tell me more."

"You must not find Than because she would betray you, the same way she did to me." Equinox said with bitterness in his tongue.

"But what if Than finds me first? What could I do?" Ayden had stood straight and was blinking his eyes rapidly as he clutched his fingers on the jar of water kept in the table. "We can't take off the possibility."

"You would never meet Than unwillingly. She only comes to people who like her back. I used to, she was like my daughter. But then she betrayed me, she betrayed her siblings. She betrayed the world."

"Stop, Equinox." Ayden shouted from behind, his eyes a glistening silver. "Stop torturing her or I will rip off your head."

"Oh, is it?" He turned to Ayden. "What could you do? Pour some water droplets on me? I am scared! Too scared!" He laughed the way he always does. "You see Ayden, I have nothing against you. All I want is your sister to be my King, to be the ruler over the evil."

"No. Phoenix will not fall for your crooked plans again."


"That is not happening aqua boy. Phoenix is proclaimed as the strongest and she shall belong in the darkness."

"She belongs to the darkness, true. But she doesn't belong to the evil. My sister is not evil!" He shouted as he stretched his left arm at him, water spiralling through his fingers, hitting Equinox's face which forced him to step backwards. "Phoenix is not evil. I committed a wrong deed then, but I will not, now."

"It is in your blood to not trust your sister. It is in your blood to not trust anyone who can overpower you."

What he was talking about, Phoenix had no clue. Nor did she notice Equinox's hollow eyes staring right at her. "Phoenix belongs to the evil. She is my King. She is the god of-"

"Shut up and stay away from her, Equinox." Ayden growled. "I wouldn't hesitate to end you right here, right now."

Equinox lunged at her and winged his sword backwards, aiming to inject it through her stomach. Ayden ran for her aid and blocked Phoenix from Equinox.

It was too late. He had a sword going right through his heart. Ayden knelled down, clutching himself tight. 

Equinox turned half-way to face Ayden and let out an angry growl. "This is all because of you, Phoenix. You will pay. Than will pay." He said and vanished immediately, leaving Phoenix in complete daze. 

"Than will pay and so will Hail."

Ayden pulled out the sword from his body and screamed.

She rushed to Ayden and lifted his head on her lap. "Don't you dare die on me!" She whispered, trying her best to suppress the evident tears which could invade her eyes any moment. "Ayden. Ayden. Ayden. Ayden. Wake up Ayden."

She cried but that was of no use. Ayden didn't show the slightest movement. "Don't leave me Ayden. I hate the files and documents. They are a nightmare."

"You're my favourite brother. I would do anything for you. Please stay with me. I will buy you ice creams all day. I wouldn't try to get your face right."

"Please don't leave me, you idiot."

"I won't leave you." He scrunched his eyebrows and opened his eyes slowly, a weak smile tugging at his lips. "I love you, Phoeny."

"I love you Denny." She sobbed as he closed his eyes again and soon did his breathing stop. "Ayden!"

He left her. He left everybody. He left. Her only brother, her only critic. He left her be.

She bend down to kiss his forehead but before that, he turned into dust and flew away, leaving Phoenix in the perfect state of chaos.

Ayden left with Equinox?

And now was the time when Phoenix knew, the deed she had to fulfil wasn't just for the gods, but for her brother.

Revenge is indeed a bliss. You feel the happiness that you acquired something in your life. And this revenge was for Ayden. To kill the one who killed him. To kill Equinox, her living enemy.

She took the sword which lay on the floor and cut her skin. "I, Phoenix Solstice, the King of earth, take the blood oath to redeem the life of whoever killed her brother, Ayden Solstice."

"And I shall never stop with no result."

It felt like the earth was crumbling, like the world was shaking. She didn't know her feelings. Numb. That's what she felt.

Ayden left her.

The feeling of being shaken to life was the first thing she felt before she saw him standing right there.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry."

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