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    I walked out of my hotel room to go for a run; I needed time to process and think about what had happened. Something wasn't right, there was no way Bucky could have been at Vienna. He couldn't have been in two countries in the past twenty four hours, logically it was impossible. I would have to dig deeper to find out what was really going on, because the events that have happened just don't add up. The Secretary of State wanted Steve and Sam to bring Bucky in for supposedly planting the bomb that caused the explosion at the signing of the Accords. So we had to fly to Romania and look for Bucky.
While I was running I saw Bucky up ahead and he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing when I met him. He smiled when he saw me "Fancy meeting  you here." I smiled "Small world indeed." I stopped running and caught my breath. "How are you?" "I'm okay, how are you?" he asked. "Surviving I guess." I shrugged. He chuckled "Do you mind if I join you on your run?" "I wouldn't mind some company." I smiled bashfully. I adjusted my ponytail. We started to run together, but we weren't going too fast so we could talk to each other. I watched him as he ran beside me, he ran so gracefully. "You're beautiful." he told me. I blushed, no one other than my family has called me beautiful "Awww thanks. Well I can assure you right now I don't look beautiful." My face was probably red and sweaty from running. My dark brown hair was probably matted. "You still look beautiful to me." he said smiling at me. He was so sweet. "You're so sweet," I told him. He had such a cute smile. We ended up at a street market and we were both hungry. I was going to get a covrigi from the food stand when I noticed Bucky was looking at a box that was filled with plums. He was asking the seller if they were fresh, and I could tell he didn't have any money. After I bought my food I walked to the fruit stand that Bucky was in front of and I paid for the plums that he wanted. He looked at me with the most grateful smile "Thanks Sadie, you didn't have to do that. You're too kind." "Of course." I smiled back. We sat on a bench and ate our food. "So, tell me more about yourself. Are you from here?" I asked because I genuinely wanted to know. "Yes, but I moved to New York with my family when I was a kid. It's all a blur after that." Bucky told me. I wondered why he couldn't remember his childhood or any of his memories for that matter. "I'm sorry," I said with a sad look. He shrugged "It's alright, I've been struggling with this for a while now." I touched his arm softly "I want to help you, Bucky." This was the first time I said his name to his face. I knew he still had no idea what his name was, but I wanted to help him remember. He smiled and touched my hand. "Thank you."
A few hours later...
I had to go back to my hotel and Bucky went back to his apartment he was staying at. We both had fun spending the day together, and I didn't want to see him get accused for a crime he didn't commit. I knew the people back at headquarters wouldn't believe me, but I believe Bucky. I waited outside the apartment building and I stayed as far away from the site as possible. For some reason I was getting scared and worried; Steve was just as scared as I was. They were out to get Bucky and I did not know what would happen to him. Steve was dressed as Captain America and he hesitantly walked into the apartment building. I had my earpiece in so I could at least hear what was going on. Suddenly I heard commotion. I heard screaming as well, and I ran to the site to see what was going on. Bucky was running away from Steve and suddenly a figure dressed as a panther joined in the chase. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bucky grabbed a motorcycle and sped away, and Steve jumped onto the highway and continued the chase. The two men were both super soldiers, I found an abandoned motorcycle and sped off to stop the confrontation. My knuckles were turning white because of how hard I was pressing the handlebars; my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. The panther was moving so fast that I could hardly see him. Suddenly the fight was getting more intense and more hostile. Out of nowhere War Machine flew over our heads and stood between the men "Stand down, now!" The Bucharest police squad pointed their guns at the men. I couldn't believe that something that would happen in a TV show or movie was happening right in front of me. Then I heard War Machine utter words to Steve that sent chills down my spine "Congratulations Steve, you're a criminal."

I was in the police van with Bucky while Steve, Sam, and the Wakandan prince was in the van in front of us. I was sitting beside Bucky who was put in a containment chamber to keep him restrained. Just looking at him in the chamber was making me claustrophobic, and he was probably feeling the same way. Just as I was about to touch the glass to comfort Bucky, a police officer yelled at me in Romanian "Mâini de pahar!" which meant hands off the glass. I just rolled my eyes "Scuze."; Bucky saw this and smiled. I smiled back "Are you doing okay? That doesn't look too comfortable." Bucky dramatically leaned his head back "It's the best in the world." We both laughed. "Sadie, why are you being so nice to me? I've done terrible things. I don't deserve your kindness." Bucky looked sad again. "You deserve nothing but kindness Bucky. Even though I'm still getting to know you I can tell that you're not a bad person." I told him. Ignoring the police officer's glares, I touched the glass on the containment chamber and it was the spot where Bucky's restrained hand would be. His steel blue eyes seemed to be glowing with happiness. I think I may be falling in love with him. That was ridiculous, I hadn't known him for that long. I guess love comes at times when you don't expect it.

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