Chapter 41- And There Was the Bath and Silk Underwear

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A small sliver of light shone from the curtains, directly into my eye. I groaned and rolled over, placing my hand on a pillow, realizing I had laid it in Henry's drool. I groaned out again and put my head underneath the pillow, trying to fall back asleep. Henry proceeded to twitch in his slumber and kick my leg, almost causing me to almost topple off the bed.

Angry and half-asleep, I kicked him back. The only response he made was a loud snore. I groaned out louder this time, finally wiping my wet hand on his shirt.

Falling back asleep is not an option.

With that, I called up a hot bath. Hazalen was sleeping soundlessly next to Henry, and I knew both weren't going to wake up any time soon.

The maid had lit up candles and placed lavender oils in the water and I immediately felt at ease. My mind started to wander as I soaked in the water.

Our Blackberry school break would be coming to an end, right after the Annual Targle event. Damien got away from his princely duties so we could see the cabin today. Yet Hazalen, Henry and I made sure to make every one of our days count-between my football practice and avoiding the King- our days were spent with laughter and spastic plans.

"Annalise, are you ready-"

I screamed, cradling my body to make sure nothing could be seen.

"What are you doing!" I yelled, my hands covering my breasts and my legs were attached to my chest.

"I just came to see if you were ready to go!" Damien panicked, his hands over his eyes.

"Did you not think I was taking a bath!"

"How was I supposed to know!"

"Well now you do-and you've seen me naked in the process!" I screeched.

"It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before!" He recoiled, turning his back to me.

"You haven't seen me completely naked before, Damien! So you're bringing up your sexual past with other girls now! Unbelievable." I huffed out, splashing water on his back.

He turned back around in response to my water attack, forgetting the circumstances and I screamed again.

"I'm sorry!" He panicked.

Did he just... apologize?

"What in gods name is going on in here!" Henry darted in the room, wiping the drool off his mouth.

What a morning.

"Is he trying to rape you?" Henry accused, pointing a finger at Damien.

"No, he's just comparing my body to other women he's been with." I playfully rolled my eyes, though I was annoyed.

"What kind of prince are you?" Henry asked, looking at Damien with disgust. Even from behind, I could see Damien's red ears, knowing his face was as red as a tomato. I wished we were in different circumstances so I could see the sight.

"No! I meant that one night when you were super drunk and took off your dress-"

"That doesn't count, Damien. Never hold a woman accountable for her actions when she is drunk. That is rule number one." Henry tisked at him, leading him out of the room.

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