Chapter 5

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Trials, Toubles, & A Train

The Accidental Magical Reversal Squad, several teams of Obliviators, Aurors, and one very confused Headmaster had shown up on Privet Drive minutes after the blood wards fell. The Wizarding World was in chaos, and the question on everybody's mind was, where is Harry Potter? The Daily Prophet wasn't helping matters though. News began to spread that 'Voldemort' was back thanks to the arrest of Peter Pettigrew and several captured Death Eaters. Dementors had attacked Little Whinging and almost sucked the soul out of Harry Potter's muggle cousin and a muggle friend. It had been determined that Harry's muggle Aunt and Uncle had been confunded since summer began, and no one had seen or heard from Harry in weeks. Dumbledore didn't know where he was, his friends didn't know where he was, and all attempts to find 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' had failed. Word began to spread that lots of money had been stolen from his vault at Gringotts, and word had it that the goblins were angry, and no one wanted to mess with an angry goblin.

To further everyone's panic, The Daily Prophet was reporting that Harry Potter was seen with 'Voldemort', because the several captured Death Eaters had been questioned under veritaserum. They claimed that Potter had been spotted with 'The Dark Lord' in Diagon Alley a few weeks ago. The Death Eaters were also claiming that Potter had helped 'The Dark Lord' with something, but they didn't know exactly what it was. Dumbledore began saying that was impossible, and that it was likely that he had been kidnapped by 'Voldemort' and that someone had taken Polyjuice Potion. This opinion was more widely accepted, but the question remained, had Harry Potter been kidnapped?

The answer to that question turned out to be yes, but not in a way that anyone expected. As the trial for Peter Pettigrew got underway it was announced that 14 years ago Harry Potter had been kidnapped by none other than Albus Dumbledore himself. The Potter's will was used as evidence, and stated that Peter Pettigrew was their secret keeper, and Albus Dumbledore knew that because he had been the one to cast the Fidelius Charm. It also stated that Albus Dumbledore had witnessed the signing of the will. The will stated that Harry was to be raised by his Godfather, Sirius Black, and was not to be given to his magic hating muggle Aunt and Uncle. When confronted with this accusation, Dumbledore weaseled his way out of it by saying that it was an unfortunate over site on his part, and giving the times and the circumstances, he tried to do what was best for Harry. It had worked, but his public support had taken a nose dive.

Pettigrew, under the influence of veritaserum, admitted to betraying the Potters, killing the 12 muggles, escaping to the home of the Weasleys, and living with them in his animagus form as a rat named Scabbers. Pettigrew also admitted to the events that surrounded the end of Harry's 3rd year. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban to come and find him, and to protect Harry from him. The details of the Triwizard Tournament had also come to light, as well as the specifics of 'Voldemort's' return and how they related. Fudge had taken heat for not believing Harry's claim that Sirius was innocent in 3rd year, and he also caught hell from Amelia Bones for using a dementor to suck out the soul of Crouch Jr. at the end of 4th year. Cedric Diggory had been questioned, but said all he remembered was arriving back at the start of the maze after he touched the cup. It was determined that he had been knocked out in the graveyard and his memory modified, so that he could not give details of what happened. Because of the capture and confession of Peter Pettigrew, Sirius was declared a free man. The penalty of being an unregistered animagus had been waived due to spending 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit. Not to mention, never having received a trial to begin with.

Harry decided since the Wizarding World was in a panic to find him, that he would appear publically with Sirius once it was determined that he was free. Because of the claims of having been captured by 'Voldemort' he agreed to be questioned about his summer whereabouts and doings under veritaserum. This was done publicly and in front of the Wizengamot by the Head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones.

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