Chapter 7

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When he woke up that day, Sean concluded that his phone's ringtone was his least favourite sound in the world.

Groping around blindly to find his phone, he groaned as his neck seemed to have cramped. Finally he found his phone and picked up the call without reading the name.


"Sean, where are you? Why are you late?" Audrey's voice woke him up instantly. Immediately he looked at the time and freaked out silently.

"Uhhh... I overslept and I'm stuck in traffic."

"That was the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. I know you don't sleep. But now just hurry up. You know Cliff doesn't like to wait."

"Shit!" He completely forgot about his meeting at 10 am. "Tell him to wait ten more minutes. I'll be there." Sean hung up and threw his phone away.

Jumping out of the couch, he ran upstairs at top speed, accidentally waking up Kaycee.

"Wut ith te tyme?"

On not hearing an answer to her non-deciperable question, she went straight back to sleep. Within 3 minutes, Sean flew downstairs, metaphorically of course, took his wallet, keys, coat and stood in the doorway, looking around to see if he forgot anything.

When his eyes reached the couch, he rolled his eyes.

His phone, of course.

Shaking his head at his stupidity, he quickly took his phone from the couch and in the process accidentally looked at Kaycee. She was sprawled all over the couch, her hair everywhere and that's when he noticed it.

Her hair was curly.

So she straightens it every morning, Sean concluded.

Why though? Her natural hair looked beautiful too.

Last night, Kaycee had fallen asleep after fifteen episodes. He realized it only when she suddenly rested her head on his shoulder. As much as he felt butterflies in his stomach, he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Being a gentleman, he removed the earbuds from her ears and scooted her over to the other side of the couch. After covering her with blankets, he watched the rest of the episodes himself and when looked over at Kaycee he saw her snuggled amongst the blankets, a contentment on her face.

The flashbacks made him smile a little.

Then he realized he was fucking late.

When Sean slammed the door shut, Kaycee woke up with a jerk.

"Who's there? Who's there? Don't rob my house."

On opening her eyes fully she realized that she was talking to the thin air.

She muttered to herself, shaking her head at her stupidity.

After stretching a bit of her sore body, the last night's events came rushing down on her. Sean telling her his childhood, then watching Friends, then falling asleep and waking up in the early hours of the morning.

A smile crept up her face unknowingly at that.

When she had woken up at around 6 am, she saw Sean had fallen asleep and his head was hanging by the side on the opposite end of the couch, his mouth open. Her laptop was on his stomach and episode 1 of season 2 seemed to be playing on it.

So she got up, detached the laptop and earbuds from his body and dragged his arms back to his body and put them on his stomach.

While doing so, Kaycee noticed Sean's ring finger. He was still wearing the wedding ring, similar to hers, given on the the day of their marriage.

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