Chapter 3

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The next day!

Since what happened at training yesterday Rasta wouldn't stop checking on you obviously concerned if your stressed or scared to set your panic attack which caused you to faint. You, coach and the team bucked in at a hotel in Japan to sleep obviously where would you go in the bus and get a back ache well not in this chapter.

"You wouldn't mind sharing right Rasta?" Coach asked as he looked at you who seemed to be distracted talking to cheetah.

"You sure coach man?" He asked as the coach sighed.

"Right now you're the only one who knows everything about her condition and from what I witnessed yesterday I think you're more than trusted enough to share a room with my daughter....... but" he said to Rasta as he listened to coach as you walked to him.

"Dad, which room will I stay in?" You asked as your dad painted at Rasta who seemed not fazed about this at all.

"You sure? You hate it when I am around boys" you said as your dad sighed as Rasta butted in.

"Amoy man, after what happened yesterday I think it'll be better to accept what ya dad did, Which would be better for your safety" Rasta said as your shrugged your shoulders.

"Fine by me" you said back as he stood speechless.

"So you don't mind sharing a bed with me?" Rasta asked again as you looked at him seriously as your dad stood right next to you.

"I'm really sure I'm used to sharing a bed with anyone as long as you don't do what most boys do... ya know" you said as you also crossed your arms as Rasta looked at coach.

"You heard her" coach said as he left you at Rasta in the hallway and into his room.

"So do you wanna train?" You asked Rasta as he looked at you surprised.

"Even after what happened yesterday. Man you've got some serious guts" Rasta said with a smile as you smiled back.

"So can we?" You asked as he hand gestures you to follow him so you did.

As you and Rasta got to the pitch you both exchanged eye contact.

"Just don't faint on me this time okay" Rasta said as you sighed.

"Well I'm too full of water and energy to do that right now" you responded as he laughed at you.

"Really?" he said as you pounted before smirking.

"Unless you want to carry me like a princess again?~" you said obviously teasing the poor man as he frose with slight blush on his face.

"How else was i supposed to carry ya" he responded as he rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile as you got the ball bringing it to the middle of the pitch.

"Don't go easy on me big guy" you said as got into position as you got the ball heading towards goal but he got in your way again so you swiftly went around him.

"Not bad" he said as you shot the ball into the net as he went to get it to probably do a counter attack.

"There's more than that" you said as he began to head into your direction so you headed towards him which you could tell that he was hesitant so you took that to your advantage and got the ball off him but this time you stayed still not impressed.

"Is that all ya got" you said as your accent came through before realising it as he turned to you so you coughed thinking it was a accident.

"Wait your Jamaican?" He asked as you turned to face him but you didn't respond for a couple of seconds.

"Yeah so?" You asked obviously not wanting to talk about this right now since he has a game tomorrow.

"But you're—" he was cut of my you as you faced away form him.

"I'm a albino okay but there's probably white Jamaican's out there too so please don't ask that question again!" Said obviously not happy about how this good situation turned out to be.

"I'm sorry Amoy man, I didn't know." He said obviously guilty for affenpinscher you but it wasnt his fault he didn't know.

"It's fine" you said quietly as you continued with training so he did the same thing to not escalate thing too far.

After your little match with Rasta you headed back to the hotel but by that time it was getting a bit dark so you both took it slow on the path before reaching the hotel as the doors automatically open letting you both inside to be face to face with coach.

"Where have you too been?!" He yelled worried and mostly mad on where you two have been all day but you were speechless on how he was able to wait for you both.

"We were training coach man" Rasta said as coaches looked at him then at you.

"Without telling me! What would have happened if I wasn't there!" Coach yelled at the both of you as tori came near you worried.

"I knew what I was doing!!" You yelled back as Rasta placed his arm In front of you as he gently pushed you back behind him.

"She didn't mean to coach man it was my fault" he said taking the blame as you began to feel hesitant and worried.

"No rasta! She needs to learn" coach said as you felt angry when he said that.

"I can take care of myself!" You yelled as a bit of your Jamaican accent came through again but this time Rasta noticed it again so did coach.

"What would happen if you had a heart attack again!!!!" He yelled loudly as Rasta stood all the way in front of you.

"Calm down coach man! Remember what you are doing right now" Rasta said trying to calm coach down which seemed to kind of help.

"Oh god what am I doing!!" Coach said as he walked of with a hand on his head probably cranky that he's sleepy or something.

"Come on. I think we should get some sleep too" rasta said as you nodded at him as you stayed behind him as you both headed to your rooms (or room).

I know this isn't much but I promise to do more!!

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