Chapter 13

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As you sat on your hospital bed you got a weird urge to tease Rasta but you waited to know what and why your father and brother were being so serious.

"Listen Amoy I know that this is important, so try not to panic or anything" your brother said as you rather sighed ready to speak but you felt a bad feeling in your gut and stuck to it.

"I know this is fast an all but your brother is uhh....." you father stopped as you saw him get nervous as he messed with his t-shirt collar.

"He what.... is he okay?" You asked hoping he isn't dying which he isn't.

"He tested to see if he could be a perfect match and it turns out that he is a perfect match for your heart transplant and is sticking with it"  he said as you sat shocked with wide eyes as you began to worry a little bit and looked at your blanket.

"W-why?" You looked up as you voice cracked as they both realised something.

"I'm doing this for you. I already did my part and I want to give you a part of me that can't be replaced ever again and even if I won't be here physically I will always be here mentally" your brother said as you tested up obviously upset about as you got a big hug from Rasta.

"You sure man?" Rasta asked your brother as he nodded with a serious look in his face.

"I guess it's settled" your father said as he ent out to talk with the doctor as you cried in Rasta arms as your brother stood at the end of the bed.

"We are twins but twins always do everything together even share things with each other so that's what I am doing" Lloyd explained as you tried to wipe your tears but they kept flowing.

"But I don't want to lose you too" you said sobbing along as Rasta let go of you, Lloyd came over and stood next to your hospital bed as he held your hand.

"You won't I'll always be with you, in here" he said as he moved your hand and placed it into his chest as you felt his best heart for a couple of seconds as he hugged you.

"This is making me cry" you heard Rasta whisper as he stood up and left the room as you held your brother tightly.

"I guess we'll be closer than twins it's like I don't know cajoint twins since you'll have my heart" he said stupidly as you laughed a little at his little explanation.

"That not how cajoint twins work they are already born stuck together, we were born holding hands and I was still last!" You said as he laughed along still remembering the times you two have.

"Damn I'll miss make you mad sometimes but not all the time since you had that problem with ya heart so I kept it in the down low" he said as you held tighter but he didn't get tighter he stayed the same.

"I'll miss my annoying twin more than you'll miss me" you said as you began to think of something to remember him bye.

"Do me a favour?" He asked as he let go and looked at you with a smile as you looked at him too.

"What is it?" You asked back as you breathed in and then back out like he was gonna ready a script or something.

"If you have any kids call one of them or have my name in there somewhere will ya sis" he said as you smiled at him.

"Obviously I will" you reponded as you dad came in  with the doctor and Rasta who looked at the both of you as Lloyd wipes your tears.

"We'll get both of you ready now so please follow me and be careful Amoy" the doctor said as you began to get out of your bed but instead of walking on your own you had your brother to walk with and Rasta on the other and your dad and doctor in front as you headed to get prepared for the surgery.

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