Chapter 16

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The next day!

It was the next day and you were up early and dressed to start your day fresh, as you got a phone call from angel.

You answer!

Angel: Amoy?

You: yeah, what's the matter angel?

Angel: I want to apologise for my poor play in the game yesterday

You: no need, but why were you so banged up?

Angel: dont tell Riano, but I got into a fight with one of my twin brothers, Simon and I guess the impact got me good on my leg.

You: ooo that sounds bad but you were fine when Riano took you away?

Angel: that wasn't Riano!

You: but he looked so much like him.

Angel: Simon is the best and mimicking people especially Riano sometimes, that's why I try something only Riano knows and Simon doesn't.

You: always think with your head when something isn't right but sometimes go with the gut.

Angel: any I gotta to Riano will be coming back soon and he isn't happy about what happened at the game and my condition in the hospital either.

You: good luck!

You end call!!

"That's harsh" you thought to yourself as you began to feel sorry for angel since it's technically domestic violence with her brother but not Devon he's the more nice and protective one of them all.

You decided to go downstairs and stay in the living room for a bit until your dad comes back from shopping with Rasta since you were busy.

2 hours later!

Rasta and your dad came back from the shop and began to unpack stuff when you began to feel a bit sick as you were watching tv.

"Amoy, could you help us?" Your dad asked as you gagged like your were going to throw up so you quickly rushed to the bathroom closest to you and threw up into it.

Ratsa's PoV:
It didn't take long for coach to rush up the stairs to the sound of Amoy throwing up in the toilet as he went in and helped her as I waited downstairs as I finished to put stuff away thinking it's something that she must've had this morning.

"Rasta" coach said as I saw him leaning on the balcony with a serious expression.

"Yes, coach?" I asked back confused as he sighed.

"Go to the shop, I might know what's up with her" coach said as I instantly knew what he was on about but she has the implant in her arm, hasn't she.

"Sure, if you're sure if it's that then I'll get it man" I said back to coach as I headed out to the shop thinking what would happen to me when coach rounds out if she is or isn't.......... .....pregnant.

No ones PoV:
You were able to stop throwing up in the toilet 5 minutes after Rasta left to get the thing your father wanted but you grew a bit scared about what your father would think if he was right.

"Amoy?" Your father said as he came back into the bathroom as you sat up turning your body facing him as you looked up since you were on the floor.

"Yes, dad?" You said back a bit scared as he knees down on one knee as he looked at you concerned.

"If there's anything you need to tell me, tell me now before Rasta comes back" you dad said as you knew you had to tell him.

Supa strikas: Dancing Rasta x Amoy (oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora