Chapter 11

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There is a bad ending and a good ending but obviously I'm sticking to the good one for the next chapters!!!!

Bad ending!!
As you were sent to the hospital the doctors were on you 24/7 to check on your health but I guess your heart couldn't take this anymore and gave up again but the doctors brought you back again but the next time you die they can't bring you back so they made a call to your father to see if he could come and say his goodbyes to his daughter who wasn't going to live to see the next day.

Ratsas pov:
Training couldn't go one since the tension of Amoy's heart attack brought a huge distraction to all of us she was always the light in everything she even made the other team members laugh when they were down making her a thing to not lose but I hope that she holds on a little longer for me.

"Rasta.." coach said as he came to me obviously about to break into tears form a phone call form the hospital.

"What is it coach man?!" I asked obviously knowing this isn't good news.

"We need to go to the hospital and say are goodbyes to Amoy" coach said as he tried to hold his tears in as I felt my stomach turn.

"You're joking right?!" I said obviously hoping that this was one because it ain't fully until coach finally broke down in tears.

"No! My daughter is about to die and I want to tell her my goodbyes before she leaves this world!" Coach said as we headed to the elevator and was able to reach the top before getting into coach's car and headed to the hospital where Lloyd was thee since he left earlier.

"I don't want her to leave me" I mumbled as I felt my eyes water a bit before realising that I was crying.

"I don't want her to die too but this is how life is Rasta" coach said as he began to head to the nearest hospital where she transported to.

Minutes later!

As we finally headed to the hospital we rushed through the doors and demanded to know where her room was and they gladly gave it to us.

"5th floor" coach said as he tapped his foot impatiently obviously wanting to see his daughter and for me my love of my life.

As the doors opened he went to her room that's as door the corridor as the doctor opened the door we could see that she was connected to all of these machines but they can't keep her alive for any longer.

"She's just gained consciousness 5 minutes ago" the nurse said as he went to the right said of the hospital bed to see her very pale which gave us a sigh that she didn't have much left in her.

"Amoy, my baby girl speak to me" coach said quietly as she opened her eyes slowly which hurt me as she looked at us with a oxygen mask on.

"" she said bearly which brought tears to us seeing her in so much pain.

"Don't worry Ratsa's here too" coach pointed out as he kissed her forehead. "I love you" he said as he moved out of the way for me to see her too as I gently held her hand as she slowly gripped onto it in reponce.

"I'll always love you Amoy, I'll see you again soon" I said as looked at me as she squeezed my hand again.

"I.." that was the only words I heard form her as her grip loosened as I saw her eyes closed and soon after she flatlined I held her hand close to me as I sobbed heavily obviously missing her my dear love.

"I'll miss you" I said as coach patted my back as he hugged me as he cried too from seeing his daughter die in front of him, it hurt the both of us deeply and will remember her forever.

Days later!
After the death of Amoy coach everything wasn't the same I kinda went into a phase called depression like coach did since he lost his daughter who looked like his wife that I never saw. Everyone in the super league now do a moment of silence on her birthday and the 4th of March which was when she died which brought tear to everyone who knew her or nearly did since she was the one who brought smiles and laughters to everyone around the world.

I wanted to carry on but I couldn't do it so I did what could get me to see her again.

"Don't worry Amoy I'll be with you again" I said as I was able to take my last breath and ending my life to see the one I so dearly miss.

Good ending!!
As you were sent to the hospital from your heart attack in the secret training compound doctors were able to keep you in a very safe and stable state which wouldn't cause you to lose your life or flatline again which was a very good thing.

Ratsa's PoV:
Training couldn't go one since the tension of Amoy's heart attack that brought a huge distraction to all of us. she was always the light in everything she even made the other team members laugh when they were down making her a thing to not lose but I hoped deep down that she holds on a little longer for me.

"Rasta.." coach came to me obviously seriously worried but also releaved.

"Is she okay coach man?" I asked worried about Amoy who was sent to the hospital.

"She's in stable condition and will live to see tomorrow" he responded as I sighed with relief knowing what she's alive and fine.

"Thank goodness!" I said releaved as coach coughed obviously wanting to continue with practice.

"I don't think Amoy would like it if you skip practice or get distracted does she?" Coach said as Lloyd was stairing at me from the distance.

"No she wouldn't coach man and would you get Lloyd to stop stearing at me?" I asked as he looked at Lloyd who instantly looked away.

"He hates boys being around his little sister so I guess he wouldn't do anything bad" coach said as I sighed before heading am back to the training pitch.

"He grabbed his shirt and threatened him" shakes said as coach sighed not impressed at all.

"I'll sort him out while you guys are on the pitch" he demanded seriously as he went to Lloyd.

"Come on Shakes man! The ball ain't gonna kick it's self" I said as we rushed on to the pitch to begin training.

Phew that's a good way to end another chapter!!

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