Chapter 7

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As stella was taken to the infirmary you were told to go back to the others since she needed her swelling to go down but she couldn't play in the game tomorrow thanks to hydra.

"So how is she?" Kayla asked concerned for her bestie you sighed not happy which wasn't the greatest thing to say either.

"They said she can't play tomorrow since her knee is swollen" you said as very disappointed but you knew you had to tell Shakes about this and coach maybe both of them.

"So what now?" Cheetah asked confused of what's gonna happen now since one striker is out.

"We still have plan B" you responded as you began to text coach.

You open your messages;

You: bad news stella is out she can't play in tomorrow's game!

Coach: what! How come?

You: some of hydra players injured her in a supposed one-on-one match which turned sideways.

Coach: where were you?

You: i was in my room when she said she was gonna explore.

Coach: shakes isn't gonna be pleased about this.

You: I know 😞 but it kinda is my fault so yeah

Coach: no it isn't .don't be hard on yourself you're trying your best!!

You: hmm...... sure

Coach: oh.. that was uncalled for I guess I should tell Rasta about your feelings then??

You: no please don't!!!!

Coach; stop pushing yourself it's just gonna hurt you so try and relax and defeat hydra!! Not just for you and the team for stellas as well!!

You: sure! And don't tell him pleas!!

Coach: I won't I was messing with you

The messages stopped as you sighed with relief.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Cheetah asked obviously seeing the texts between you and your dad.

"What?!" You said as you looked at her as she spooked you.

"Rasta? Is he the one you fallen for?" She asked confused obviously knowing what's going on.

"Hmmm!" You groaned embarrassed as cheetah laughed a bit.

"Sorry" she apologised as she headed into her room I guess you have to sleep alone until stella comes back later.

Couple of hours later!!

Hours past and Stella finally returned back into her room with you sat there not happy holding your turned of phone as she used her crutches to move to your side of the bed.

"Don't blame yourself I fell for the idea" she said as you looked at her but sighed.

"Sure" you replied not fazed by it at all.

"I'm serious they challenged me so I stupidly accepted knowing full well that I have a game tomorrow and now I can't play for a couple of days" she said as you looked at her again hearing her.

"But I have to take responsibility since I am the captain" you said a bit quietly as Stella patted your shoulder.

"You are tallest female I know and the smartest one too. So if I did something I chose to do them it's my fault dont push yourself down because of me you have a whole team to help through the game tomorrow!!" She said as you began to smile knowing that she was right.

Supa strikas: Dancing Rasta x Amoy (oc)Where stories live. Discover now