Chapter 18

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Amoy is now 9 months and 5 days pregnant and growing close to birth the doctor said she could have the baby at any moment so the father has to keep watch at all times when he arrives back from practice.

Amoy is in the living room watching tv as Rasta gets ready for practice making sure that she is fine before he goes.

"If anything happens just ring me" Ratsa said as Amoy gave him a thumbs.

"Oh, tori is coming over today to keep me company" Amoy said as Ratsa was fine with it since tori knew a lot about child birth so maybe she could help Amoy if she does go into labor.

5 minutes after Ratsa went for practice tori came through the door due to letting Amoy know she was giving her access to do so.

"How is my cap doing?" Tori asked as Amoy looked at her before looking back at the tv.

"I am great just wanting to get this baby out of me because it's kicks are killing me" Amoy said complaining about the baby but it was quite normal until she has the baby.

"Don't worry it will be soon" tori said telling her it was gonna be alright as long as she doesn't stress about it.

It now has been 7 hours since tori's arrival and Amoy hasn't shown any signs of going into labor yet but she wasn't gonna leave her alone incase something does come up.

"Ooo, that hurt" Amoy said holding her stomach a bit if she was having a cramp or a contraction.

"Was that as contraction or....." tori asked as Amoy began to look more in pain having her grown concerned as her hands were still on her belly. "Amoy?" Tori said again as she began to breath heavily shaking a big sign but she had to make sure.

"Can you call Rasta for me? I think my water just broke... Ahh" Amoy said ending her sentence with a little yelp as tori quickly got Amoy's phone typing her password to ring Ratsa waiting for him to answer.

Ratsa: Amoy are you alright?

Tori: umm it's not Amoy it's tori I think Amoy has gone into labor....

Ratsa: what! Are you joking! You better not be joking....

Tori: I'm not *Amoy screams in pain*.....see

Ratsa: call an ambulance and I'll  meet you at the hospital!

Tori ended the call before quickly dialling the emergency line for an ambulance to come and help take Amoy to the hospital.

At the hospital!

Amoy was quickly rushed into the hospital to have the baby but she wasn't the right length to start pushing yet so she was up into a hospital room with a hospital gawn and something to breath and ease her pain while Ratsa and her dad stayed by her side.

"How are you feeling honeybee?" Her dad asked as he rubbed her back as her hand held onto the hospital bed as she bent over a little bit breathing with the gas and air she was given.

"Not now" she replied as he knew that she was in pain as Ratsa watched concerned as he sat on a chair nearby wondering if she was gonna be alright.

"Just breath" her dad said again as Amoy was already breathing to help with the pain but she had hours left until she starts pushing.

It has be 2 hours since Amoy has gone into labour and but the hole wasn't big enough yet for her to push adding more time since it was her first time having a baby.

"I wonder what it's gonna be?" Amoy's dad said since her and Ratsa decided to keep it a mystery and find out when he or she is born.

"Is this what mum had to go through when she mad me and my brother" Amoy asked exhausted as couch didn't know what to say but all women have pain during birth.

"Yeah but she was having twins" he said before thinking since Amoy didn't really tell him how many she was having hoping it wasn't twins or she'll be in for one heck of a ride.

"I'm having one dad" she replied as he sighed with relief thankful that she didn't have to go through what her mother did which was pure sheer luck but when it comes to one its still extremely painful and time consuming. Amoy didn't like the pain but she knew that she would have to experience this pain anyway to birth her new-born into this world making it worth the pain and how gorgeous her baby is going to be thanks to the genetics but she hoped that her baby didn't have to go through what she had with that heart condition she was born with.

"what do think it'll be Rasta?" Coach said as he looked at his future son-in-law who was sat down completely worried about his lover but you could tell that he was excited too for this baby to be born since he never really had to go through this sort of thing before in his life until today. "come over here and support ya woman, she's putting through with this pain just to bring life to your child!" he said as the poor man got back onto his feet and held her hand to squeeze whenever she needed to because he's such a big strong man.

"i don't care what gender it is because either way I will end up loving them endlessly" Rasta said being the awesome person he was who seemed to be dealing with this type of situation pretty well despite seeing his beloved in some hellish pain due to this little rascal who was taking their time to come out but that was just the beginning.

Another hour has passed and Rasta and Coach had to wait outside while Amoy was finally able to start pushing not being able to stand in there and support her like they planned but knew how strong she was and how capable she is to bring this baby out to the world.

Rasta's pov:

I didn't like how the hallways were so full of nurses and women that haven't went into labour showing how intense this shit is and I've put Amoy here to experience it but was it really worth going this far just to put her into some more pain. Why is child birth so worrying even Coach was shitting himself and he's usually a scary, chill guy but seeing him like this scared me way more than I was a few hours ago.

"you need to calm down she's in good hands" Coach said but he should be reminding himself that even though it was his daughter that was in there giving birth to her first ever baby which is something he would be very proud of as this pain she is going through hurts even more than kicking some man in the balls, who is nothing compared to pushing a living human out of yourself for hours on end.

"i may be nervous but, you should really be telling that to yourself Coach man" he didn't seem rather fond of me telling him to calm down but he was more nervous than me at this point after every that happened this year and yet I still have a lot to learn about Amoy since we would be spending more time together since we are now a family and family always sticks together no matter what. We didn't really speak much due to the stress until Amoy has delivered put child but I too began to grew even more worried about her than I ever was when I first found out about her condition.

During those of silent was killing us and we weren't notified about Amoy's condition or how long she has left until she's finished which would help us a lot at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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