Chapter 14

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This chapter gets kinda frisky so you've been warned and you have to be 14 or 15+ of age to read!!

It has been about 6weeks after your surgery, Rasta and coach have been quite the protective bunch keeping the others away from you or too close to knock you or piss you off.

"Dont ya think you're over doing it guys?" You said in your Jamaican accent as you sat on the bench as Rasta and coach stood in front of you.

"Just making sure you're not pushing yourself too hard until you're fully recovered that's all" your dad said as you sat unfazed by the words since he is a overprotective dad no matter what.

"Whatever" you mumbled as you felt Rasta look at you suspiciously giving you shivers.

"I'm sure you'll play soon amoy" Rasta said as you looked up at him not pleased as he looked at you with a smirk you remembered so well.

"Baka" you mumbled again as your father tried to process what's happening between you too as you looked away from both of them.

"Back to practice Rasta" coach said as Rasta went back to the field and continued to do training for the next game against hydra.

Hours later!!

The boys where exhausted but also proud of themselves after practice was finished having the plan all sourted out but you stayed out on near the bench as you sat on the grass looking up at the orange set sky as it begins to turn dark it was beautiful.

"You like the view" a voice asked as you jumped a little to see it was shakes as he sat not too close but enough to not get in trouble by Rasta or coach.

"Yeah I guess" you responded as you began to think about your brother while you slowly held your hand onto the beating heart that was once your brother's.

"Your brother was a amazing player ya know" Shakes said as you smiled abit knowing he was right.

"Did you know he was a father too" you said as he looked a bit shocked as you stared back at the sky before hearing footsteps behind you.

"I'm sure everything will be okay" Rasta said as he sat behind you with you between his legs as he wrapped his arms around you gently hugging you as Shakes got up and headed back to the changing room to get changed since Rasta wasn't wearing his football uniform anymore.

"I miss him" you said a little bit said as Rasta stayed behind you listening to you he hardly knew the man but he sure well knew that he was important to you.

"I hardly knew him but it hurt me. he was a great man" he said as he laid his head on your left shoulder as you know he was speaking truly.

"I don't know why either but I hope he's happy" you said as you felt tears fill up your eyes as you shook your head a little of shock "oh nah not now stupid tears" you said with a mix of Jamaican and English together as Rasta sighed.

"It's okay to cry sometimes. Oh! do you remember when you woke up and I told you that you have the most beautiful voice and that I love you, it made you cry and when you replied back it made me cry too you were adorable" he said as you frose embarrassed feeling your cheeks burn up at those words I guess his idea of making you better is working.

"Come on guys cut the snuggling it's time for some shut eye" coach said as Rasta let go but before he stood up he tapped your shoulder.

"Come Amoy he means you too" he said as you got up and faced your father he could tell you've been crying but smiled at you instead.

Supa strikas: Dancing Rasta x Amoy (oc)Where stories live. Discover now