Sweet Kicks [2]

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Lucifer followed Maya around the precinct.

"What could you have possibly said to con your way onto another case?" Maya demanded.

"Well, I simply offered the lieutenant a favor. She gets what she wants, and I get what I want...a nice juicy gang war," Lucifer explained.

"You want a gang war, why don't you just start another battle between heaven and hell,"

"Can't do that, brother dear is still locked in the cage Samuel dragged him in...remember?" Lucifer leaned against the desk "Just think, you and me, close proximity at all times,"

"Yeah, in LA, we call that stalking,"

"It's wonderful, isn't it? Uh, when do I get my own gun?"

"When do I get my brothers and Castiel back?!"

"Touché. You know I totally forgot you and wings had a fling back in the day,"

Maya stopped what she was doing upon hearing those words. Maya closed her eyes forcing the memories to go back into the black abyss, to show Lucifer that he had no hold on her. She noticed Lucifer reach for her keys and grabbed them before he could "I'll never let you drive. If I'm gonna be forced to work with you again, I call the shots,"

"You most certainly do. Right in the leg,"

Maya bit back a scream of frustration as they came to the elevator.

"Historically invincible, until now, and that's what makes this case so exciting...real danger. It's the perfect opportunity to see what other mortal qualities I have,"

Maya quirked an eyebrow in confusion as the elevator doors closed "So what...like Cas was when he lost his grace to Metatron?"


Maya slapped him across the face, the anger and frustration getting the best of her.

"Bloody hell!"

"How's that?" Maya smirked.

"That hurt!" Lucifer looked at Maya with a smirk "Do it again,"

"You are such a child," Maya huffed.

Lucifer chuckled "So where to, eh? Stakeout, ambush? You know, I'm quite skilled at restraints. But you already knew that,"

"I'm taking you home,"

"Ooh, how did you know?"

"That I'd last about ten minutes with you? I don't know, call it a gut feeling,"

"Well, it's a successful one. We'll be right on time,"

Maya didn't want to play into whatever he had planned but couldn't help but question "Time? For what?"


"Lucifer, my man!" Benny called out as he walked into Lucifer's living area.

"Benny," Lucifer greeted "Nice to see you,"

"So you're friends with Benny Choi and his blinged-out pet pig," Chloe said "of course you are,"


"His name is Pig Diddy," Benny said, he pointed behind him "This is my assistant Hector,"

"Ooh." Lucifer pointed to Hector's tattoo on his arm "Someone love his mommy?"

"That's a Marine tattoo, you idjit," Maya scolded.

Hector nodded towards Maya "You serve,"

Maya shook her head "My dad,"

"Right," Lucifer said "Yes, Benny and I go back to the start of his very impressive career,"

"Why am I not surprised,"

"Lucifer helped me get my first show," Benny explained "He was a real inspiration,"

"Yeah, for cultists," Maya scoffed quietly.

"I try to reflect that in my art,"

"Any idea who took a shot at you?" Chloe questioned.


Maya raised an eyebrow "No recent threats, nothing?"

"Look, I'm no snitch. Even if I did know, I can't talk. I'm an artist. I process tragedy through my work,"

"Would you prefer to process tragedy back at the precinct? 'Cause I have a holding cell that could really use an artist's touch,"

"Yes, Benny, that favor you owe me," Lucifer intervened "I'm callin in my IOU. Answer the detectives' questions,"

Benny sighed and glanced back at Hector "Hector clashed with some punks in Latin Kings colors that night,"

"We were at capacity, they wanted in," Hector explained "They were making threats, they were upset,"

Maya looked at Benny "And you didn't mention this at the crime scene because...?"

"My fans aren't just buying shoes," Benny said "They're buying Benny Choi. Artist, activist, man of the people. You know, I wore colors back in the day. Asian Boyz. I was low level. You know, a punk. Got out before the cops even knew my name,"

"Ah, protecting your rep," Lucifer said "Wouldn't want to risk that seven-figure endorsement deal, would we?"

"I didn't talk because if a Latin King hears an ex-Asian Boy done dry-snitched him to the cops? Those thugs will retaliate on principal. I was trying to prevent more death,"

"Well, aren't we the little saint?"

"Latin Kings versus Asian Boyz." Maya looked back at Chloe "That really narrows it down,"

"Did you get names?" Chloe asked.

Benny nodded towards Hector.

"Diego, Dani, I don't know. A couple, I think. Joined at the hip,"

"Mm-hmm," Lucifer hummed.

"Diego and Dani. Right," Chloe sighed.

Maya handed Benny her card "You need to call me if you remember anything else,"

Benny looked over at Lucifer and nodded "Uh, yeah, I'll call. But be careful. Them Latin Kings about to raise hell,"

"Smith's and I's 'speciality'," Lucifer smirked.


"Did it ever occur to you to tell me that you're tight with Benny?" Maya questioned "That you gave one of your favors to a former gang felon?"

"Well, I've been giving favors for thousands of years...you know this. Would you like a peek at my ledger?"

"No, I'd like you to follow basic protocol,"

"And I'd love to continue the debate on our opposing views of police work, so how about we hit the cop bar, and get dangerous with some bottom shelf, huh?"

"A girl's dead and you want to go on a pub crawl,"

"Oh, liquid courage. You Winchesters are all about that, Dean certainly was. I hear the Paddock Lounge is every new detective's rite of passage,"

"Forget it. We need to wait for an ID on those kids. 150,000 active gang members in LA, it could take awhile,"

"Oh, you're right. No time for a quick drink, then," Lucifer claimed, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"We're on duty,"

"I bet your brother's turning over in his grave hearing you say that,"

Maya clenched her fists, stopping herself from punching him it would add on to the kindle he was currently holding over her head. "Look, I'm not gonna drink at a bar where everyone hates me,"

"Did you ever consider they hate you for that very reason?"

"Yeah, they hate me for several reasons,"

"Well, don't let those Philistines inhibit your right to toast our first break in the case...come on! It's the least you could do." Lucifer sighed in pain "Besids, you know, I...need something to dull the pain,"

Maya rolled her eyes "If it gets you to shut up,"

Fell in Love with the Devil (LuciferxSupernatural Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now