Chapter 12

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"Newt. Newt, wake up."

The blond groaned, pushing away the person who was trying to shake him awake.

"Leave me alone, ya bloody shank," he mumbled.

"No. Now come on!"

"No. I'm trying to sleep."

Newt rolled over, turning his back to the Glader that was trying to wake him. A minute later, he felt something hit him in the shoulder. Newt jerked awake, looking to see what hit him. He noticed a shoe lying on the ground beside him. He also noticed Minho looking down at him.

"Dude, what the heck?" Newt asked, annoyed.

"Wasn't me," Minho replied. "I got woken up the same way. See?"

He picked up an identical shoe to the one Newt was hit with.

"Then whose shoes are these? Wait." He took a closer look at the shoes, his eyes widening a little. "I recognize these shoes. Did you see where they came?"

Minho nodded and looked up toward the Maze walls. Newt followed his gaze, his brown eyes widening in shock. The boys stumbled to their feet and hurried to the Maze walls.


The first thing Alby did when he left the Homestead was look toward the Maze walls. It had become a habit after so many months. Alby felt his heart sink when he didn't see Ivy there; memories of the day before replayed in his mind. Taking a deep breath, Alby turned away from the walls, willing himself not to break again.

The leader of the Gladers turned around and started toward the kitchens to get some breakfast. He didn't really feel like eating but he knew Frypan would force him to if he didn't. The boy walked into the Mess Hall, glancing over the Gladers there. There wasn't as much chatter as normal, but that was understandable. Alby even noticed Adam poking at his food with his fork, not looking at anyone.

"Alby." The boy turned to find Frypan standing at the door that led inside the kitchen. "Could you come here for a second?"

Alby nodded, following Frypan into the kitchen.

"What's up, Fry?" he asked.

"There's something you should see."

Frypan looked at a table at the back of the kitchen, prompting Alby to do the same. Alby's eyes widened at the sight before him.

"Ivy?" he said.

The girl looked up at the sound of her name, a smile appearing on her face when she saw her friend. She quickly got up from beside Newt and Minho and ran to Alby, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Alby stood frozen in shock for a minute before slowly hugging her back. Once he was sure that Ivy was really in front of him, his grip tightened around her waist, holding her close to him. Ivy rubbed Alby's back as he cried softly into her shoulder.

"It's alright," she whispered to him. "I'm here. I'm safe."


"Everyone calm down!" Alby shouted to be heard above the chattering Gladers.

After everyone had eaten breakfast, Alby asked everyone to stay in the Mess Hall instead of going off to work. The boys were slightly anxious, each of them sending glances and stares at Ivy, who was sitting behind Alby with Minho and Newt. When she first walked out of the kitchen, the boys had been stunned into silence before bursting out with questions. Once they had calmed down, Alby nodded.

"I know you shanks want to know what's going on, and how Ivy is here. That's why we're here. Ivy's agreed to tell us what happened out there last night. You shanks just have to slim it until she's done, then you can ask questions. Good that?"

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