Happy Life

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Chapter 1
Happy Life

It had been two and a half months ago when Sonic beat Robotnik, It was fall now. The leaves were red, orange yellow, brown, and burgundy colored. It was still warm, but with a light chill wind. Sonic The Hedgehog was outside in the woods enjoying the beautiful morning. He had went to find a bee hive to collect honeycomb.

He walked through the woods, the light wind was moving his ears and hair. Sonic liked the woods and he liked fall. Sonic was wanting honey to make a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Sonic finally found a beehive. It was on a tall tree.

Sonic ran up the tree and hung his feet around a branch. Sonic was hanging upside down like a monkey. Sonic reached into the bee hive and took a small amount of honeycomb and put it in a container. He was stung a few times by bees.

Sonic: Ow! Ouch!

Sonic climbed a branch to were he was safe. Sonic broke off a small piece of the comb and ate it. The honey was sweet and sticky. Sonic loved honey. It was so flowery and rich.

Sonic: *Smacks Lips And Thinks* That is good honeycomb.

Tails went looking for Sonic. Tails had something important to tell him. Tails looked around, but he couldn't find Sonic. Then Tails heard eating and lip smacking. Tails looked and saw Sonic eating some honeycomb. Tails's giggled. Sonic was sitting on a tree limb.

Tails: Yo Sonic! I have something to tell you.

Sonic's attention span was very small. Sonic was focused on eating the honeycomb, he couldn't hear Tails at first. Then Sonic looked over and heard Tails.

Sonic: Hi Buddy! How are ya? *Smiles*

Tails: I have something to tell you Sonic. It's about the Chaos Emeralds. I learned something new.

Sonic jumped off the tree limb and landed on the forest floor. Sonic then followed Tails back to the workshop. Tails had been studying the Chaos Emeralds and finding old books. There were few books about the Chaos Emeralds.

Tails showed Sonic a picture of a giant Emerald in a book. It was called the Master Emerald.

Tails: This Master Emerald has power over the other Chaos Emeralds. I've been reading about it, but I haven't found it's location or story, just what it is.

Sonic: Wow that is very cool.

Tails: I'll keep studying and I'll let you know if I find more information Sonic.

Sonic went to the kitchen quickly and ran back to Tails. Sonic had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Sonic handed it to Tails. Tails smiled.

Sonic: I'm thinking about going fishing. I'll see you in a bit Tails.

Tails: See ya bro.

Sonic zoomed to a pond with his fishing poles and equipment. Sonic liked to fish and enjoy the outdoors. Sonic also packed himself a peanut butter and honey sandwich. While Sonic ate his sandwich, a pink female hedgehog was watching him. She had a big crush on Sonic. She sighed as she looked at Sonic with her big eyes. She thought Sonic was handsome. She was very shy.

Pink Hedgehog: He's so beautiful, his ears are perfect looking and his cute smile is so nice to look at.

To Be Continued

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