Journey To Angel Island

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Chapter 8
Journey To Angel Island

It was night time now. Sonic sat in his bed and thought about the trip tomorrow.

Sonic was very excited to go to Angel Island, but also a little bit nervous. Sonic wasn't sure if the echidnas were friendly or if the echidnas would attack him and Tails.

Sonic wasn't planning to bring Amy along, he didn't want Amy to get hurt or worse, he couldnt let that happen.

Sonic was feeling tired. Sonic yawned. He knew he needed sleep. Sonic relaxed his mind and went to sleep. He snored softly. Sonic was nestled into his bed with a warm quilt.

Meanwhile at the G.U.N Facility

It was late at night.

Dr.Robotnik had bribed one of the prison officers. Robotnik had talked to the officer for weeks, Robotnik told him that he would rule at the his side. One night the prison officer unlocked Robotnik's cell. The officer was a lion named Leo. Leo was known to be corrupt at times.

Robotnik: *Smiles*

Leo: It's time to scheme Mr.Robotnik

Robotnik attacked the prison officer with his fists and threw Leo in the cell and stole his keys.

Leo: What? You tricked me!!!!!

Robotnik: You should have used your brain.

Robotnik easily hacked the security systems and escaped. The officers couldn't catch or find the doctor. Robotnik fled the prison and went to a secret emergency base, that he had built before being beaten by Sonic.

At Sonic's house.

Sonic woke. Sonic looked at his alarm clock. It was 7:00 am in the morning. Sonic had a hour and 30 minutes to sleep. Sonic went back to sleep. Sonic then woke to the smell of bacon,eggs, and toast. Sonic went to his kitchen to check what was going on. Amy was in the kitchen cooking.

Sonic was suprised and confused.

Amy: *Notices Sonic*

Amy was slightly startled. Sonic smiled nervously. Amy then smiled at him. Amy's cheeks were now red.

Sonic: Good morning, how did you get in here?

Amy: Tails gave me a spare key. Is that alright?

Sonic: Sure I guess?

Sonic smiled at Amy. Sonic then noticed that she had washed and folded his socks and gloves. He was suprised.

Amy: do you want 1 or 2 eggs Sonic? you want them Scrambled? Over easy? fried?

Sonic: 2 please. Over easy.

Amy fixed Sonic some eggs,bacon,toast, and orange juice. Tails arrived to eat breakfast as well.

Tails: Good morning bro. It's alright if Amy has a spare key....right?

Sonic: *Smiles Softly* Yeah Sure buddy.

Amy,Sonic, and Tails ate breakfast together. Sonic was nervous. He knew Amy would ask to go to Angel island with them. Sonic was worried for her safety. The inhabitants of the Island could attack or something worse could happen.

Amy: When are we going to leave for Angel Island?

Sonic: *Nervous* I think you should relax at home. It's a very risky mission. We have no clue what's on that island. I dont want you to get hurt or worse.

Amy:*Thinking* He's so caring, but I need to go. I need adventure in my life.

Amy: Please!!!!! I want to help.


Amy:*Sad Face*

Sonic: Alright. Just stick close to me and Tails and watch out for traps and stuff. Be careful.

Sonic,Amy, and Tails packed gear and boarded the new Tornado plane. The friends flew to the Island. Tails had looked at the map.

To Be Continued

Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom 2 Angel Island Where stories live. Discover now