Blue Hedgehog

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Chapter 4
Blue Hedgehog

Sonic took Amy to Tails. Amy was still sleeping. He knocked on Tails's front door. Tails's opened the front door and stood there in shock. Tails's looked at Sonic and Amy. Tails was surprised. Tails's looked at the pretty, pink hedgehog girl.

Tails: Who is this girl?

Sonic: No clue. I was fighting these GZPO killers, I talked to her and she fainted. I'm wondering if she's alright. I'm worried.

Tails: Bring her inside and set her on the couch. I'll call Mrs. Berry for help.

Tails called Mrs.Berry and Waited for her. While Tails and Sonic were waiting, the two kept Amy safe. Mrs. Berry was at the house in minutes. It was a short drive by car. Mrs. Berry walked into the house and looked at the pink hedgehog girl, who seemed to be asleep on the comfy light brown couch.

Mrs. Berry checked her head temperature and checked if she was healthy. Amy seemed to be alright.

Mrs.Berry: She seems to be alright. What happened?

Sonic: I talked to her and she fainted.

Mrs.Berry: Well you're good looking. She might like you.

Sonic: Um.......*Laughs Shyly*

Mrs. Berry: Just let her keep here and when she wakes escort her back to Woodsberg, unless she want to talk and spend time with you. I love You Sonic, Sweet boy. I love You Tails Sweetie.

Sonic:I Love you Mamaw Berry.

Tails: Love you Mamaw Berry.

Mrs. Berry headed back home. She had brought some chili dogs for Tails and Sonic and Some mild chili dogs for Amy, if she liked chili Dogs.

Sonic and Tails hugged Mrs.Berry, then She headed back home. Sonic and Tails watched Amy, check to see if she was close to awake. After a few minutes her eyes began to move. Amy Rose looked around. She was alittle bit confused.

She then spotted Sonic. Sonic was sitting in a chair next to the couch.

Amy: *Thinks* This must be a really good dream.*Thinks* No I'm not asleep!!!!

Amy spotted Sonic. Her heart was beating super fast. Her eyes widened, her pupils were very big . She was very shy right now. Her cheeks were a rosy red. She stared at Sonic.

Amy: *Thinks* So Handsome. His eyes are like green emeralds. His face is as cute as a puppy.

Sonic then noticed that Amy had awoken. Sonic walked over to her with a warm smile.

Sonic: Hi Miss are you alright? I'm Sonic it's very nice to meet you, I'm happy you woke, I was worried about you.

Amy: *Thinks* Worried about me?......SO SWEET!

Amy: *Talks Softly* Thank you Sonic. I know who you are. I'm Amy Rose. Call me Amy.

Sonic just Smiled. Sonic then remembered the chili dogs.

Sonic: Are you hungry? I have some chili dogs. There's a few that are mild.

Amy was kinda shy.

Amy: I'm fine I think.

Sonic: Are you sure?

Amy then smiled. She didn't want to seem rude to Sonic , plus she loved mild chili dogs.

Amy: Actually I'll have some chili dogs.

Amy then saw Tails. Amy looked at the short fox boy. He looked so cute.

Amy: Is that Tails The Fox? He's so cute!!!!!!

Tails's cheeks turned pink. Tails liked the compliment. Tails and Sonic were well known in Woodsberg. That's how Amy knew.

Tails: Thanks.

Sonic and Tails and Amy sat and ate together. Amy stared at Sonic. Sonic ate his Chili dogs quickly and in a few bites. Sonic was trying to use his manners but he still ate fast and sloppy.

Amy: *Thinks* He's funny when he eats. That's cute.

Amy looked at Sonic with loving eyes. She had just met Sonic, but she had a huge crush on him, she had watched him for weeks.

Sonic: When did you first learn about me and Tails?

Amy: I first saw you at Woodsberg when Dr. Robotnik first attacked. I then Saw Tails and heard about him after Robotnik was put in jail. I'm from Woodsberg.

Sonic smiled.

Sonic: That's very cool.

Amy smiled shyly.

Sonic,Tails,and Amy then talked about there lives and told stories. Sonic was even nicer than Amy imagined.

Amy: Do you mind if I hang out with you guys for a while.

Sonic: It would be cool if you hung out with us. Wanna explore the forest in a few hours? Before that let's show you around our house.

Amy: That sounds nice.

Tails and Sonic showed Amy around. The woods were so beautiful and calm. Amy loved the place. The yard was pretty to.

To Be Continued.

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