Station Square

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Chapter 13
Station Square

Knuckles story was sad. Knuckles was just trying to guard the Master Emerald, but now the emerald was with Eggman. Everyone was stuck on the Island and surrounded by water.

Tails was thinking of a plan to get back to the house and get the Chaos Emeralds. He thought about fixing his plane or building a ship.

Tails: We need the Chaos Emeralds. We need to go home and get ready to fight Eggman. I could build a ship or fix the plane.

Sonic was scared of water. Tails knew this as well. Tails was going to look at the plane and see what he could do. Tails and Sonic walked over to the crash. The plane was still in one piece. It wrapped in vegetation. Sonic sliced through the vegetation with his quills. Sonic pushed the plane out of the forest.

Tails popped the engine cover off. The engine was in good shape, it wasn't cracked. The prop was bent. Sonic bent it back. The landing wheels were broken.

Tails: Ah no. The wheels are broke. Can anyone lift the plane while I fix it.

Knuckles: Let me help.

Sonic was strong and could hold the plane, but Knuckles wanted to hold the plane and help out. The wheels were bent and jarred.
Tails fixed them with his tool kit.

The Tail end of the plane was also slightly bent.Knuckles was quite strong,he carried the plane for a while. Tails fixed the rest of the plane and turned on the engine to check if things were running good. The plane was fully functioning.

Tails: We should head to our house and get the Chaos Emeralds. Then we head to the biggest City, Station Square. It's The biggest city on the continent. Robotnik might be there.

Knuckles: We need to get to the Master Emerald, or Robotnik will use the Emerald's power and it will be a tough fight.

Sonic and everyone jumped into the plane and headed for Station Square. Sonic knew that he needed to find Robotnik and fast. Robotnik wanted to fight Sonic and win, Eggman was angry at Sonic for beating him before. Sonic knew Eggman wanted Revenge.

In Station Square Eggman had a lair. He had a team of robots built it before he got captured. Eggman was planning on threatening Station Square, if he did that, he would have leverage. Eggman wanted to rule the world, and with the Master Emerald he could reek havoc.

Eggman had a giant ship hidden in a flight hanger. He was going to fly over Station Square and create terror in the hearts of the citizens. Eggman wanted to rule Station Square and then he wanted to rule the planet.

To Be Continued

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