The Master Emerald

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Chapter 7
The Master Emerald

Sonic took Amy to the front door of her house. She had told him where it was.

Amy: See ya later Sonic

Sonic: I'll see you soon.

Sonic then ran to find Tails. Amy admired Sonic. She watched with loving eyes as he zoomed off quicker than a bullet. Amy loved Sonic. She wished Sonic knew.

Sonic was at Tails's house in a few seconds. Sonic walked in. Tails was studying the story of the Chaos Emeralds. The Chaos Emeralds were gems that had cosmic energy in them, the gems were crafted thousands of years ago by echidnas using extraordinary technology. The echidnas feared what would happen if the gems fell into the hands of a villian. The echidnas protected the emeralds from outsiders.

The Master Emerald controlled the other emeralds, it was said to be found on Angel Island. The floating island was thought not to exist.

Tails told Sonic what he had learned. Sonic was very interested and excited.

Sonic: That is very, very cool. A floating island? Were you calling the the citizens of the island enchiladas?

Tails:*Laughs Softly* Echidnas.

Sonic: Interesting.

Tails: This book has a map to Angel Island. We should go there tomorrow. We need to talk to the echidnas about the emeralds. We need to learn.

Sonic and Tails wanted to keep the Emeralds out of the hands of villians and to learn about the emeralds, that was their goal.

Meanwhile At the G.U.N facility.

Dr. Robotnik sat in his cell. He had been there for over 2 months. He had been planning the entire time. Robotnik wanted to rule the world and wanted revenge on Sonic.

Dr.Robotnik: *Thinking* I'll get you Sonic, You'll see........You'll see.

Robotnik smiled creepily. He couldn't wait to find Sonic and Tails. Robotnik had a terrifying plan. A plan that would scare the entire world.

Sonic was eating chili dogs and sitting on his chair outside. Sonic was enjoying the nice fall afternoon. Sonic ate the Chili dogs very quickly.

Sonic: *Burps*

To be Continued

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