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Chapter 12

Amy stood between the echidna and Sonic. She was trying to calm them. Sonic didn't want her to get hurt. Amy had tears in her eyes, she was worried. Amy stood by Sonic.

Amy: It's alright Sonic. Let's try and talk.

Sonic: Let me explain.......

The red brute lunged at Sonic. Sonic was ready.

Amy hit the echidna with a thundering slap. Knuckles flew across the grass and landed 50 feet from them. Sonic was suprised and scared by this. Amy was stronger than she looked.

Amy: I Said Calm Down!

The echidna shook off the strike, he was calm now and his cheek was pink from the hard slap. Amy walked over to the echidna and helped him to his feet.

Amy: *Softly* Let's talk. Me, Sonic, and Tails will tell what's happened.

All of a sudden a small round ship appeared. It was Robotnik. His ship had a giant robotic arm. Robotnik Stole the Master Emerald.

Sonic: No!!!!

Echidna:No!!!! I was Tricked!!!!

Robotnik flew off before the team could get to him. The echidna now knew what was going on. He had been tricked.

Then the floating island shook and began to fall into the ocean. The island fell with intense force. It caused a huge explosion of water in the ocean. Sonic and the others were knocked off their feet.

When everything had calmed, Sonic and the others got to their feet.

Sonic was frustrated, he tried to warn the stubborn echidna. Robotnik now had the Master Emerald, Sonic knew Robotnik would use it for a evil scheme and revenge.

Echidna: I'm sorry I should have listened.

Sonic: Why did the island fall?! Was the Emerald keeping it afloat?

Echidna: The emerald kept this island floating, it powered the giant fans under the island.

It was getting dark. The echidna made a campfire. Sonic and the team explained what was happening. The echidna felt sorry for what had happend. The echidna introduced himself. His name was Knuckles.

Knuckles: I'm sorry, I had no clue that the doctor was evil. I'm sorry for punching you Sonic.

The team talked with Knuckles and asked questions.

Amy: Where are the other echidnas?

Knuckles: My kind are dead. I am the last of the Knuckles tribe.

Everyone was saddened by this.

Sonic: What happened?

Knuckles: Let me tell the entire story from the beginning. Thousands of years ago echidnas and hedgehogs built the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald using advanced technology, the technology now is not as advanced it was then, the technology was fantastic at the time. The Emeralds contain alot of energy and power.

Tails: Then what happened?

Knuckles: My tribe the Knuckles clan wanted the power for just themselves. My tribe stole the emerald from the other echidnas and hedgehogs, left the west continent, and then took it to this island. 15 years ago my tribe had a feud over the Emerald and almost wiped eachother out. A few older echidnas raised me, I was orphaned. The echidnas passed when I was 7. The old echidnas told me I was going to be the guardian of the Emerald.

To be Continued

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