The Angel Island Book

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Chapter 5
The Angel Island Book

Amy, Sonic, and Tails went hiking through the woods. It was quiet and very calm. The leaves crunched as the friends walked between the trees.

Sonic and Tails were showing Amy the beautiful scenery in the woods. There was a small waterfall and a crystal, clear creek. It had beautiful multi colored stones on the banks of it.

It was beautiful with the colorful fall trees and leaves around it. Amy liked it. It was such a good place to look at.

Sonic: I fish here sometimes, it's so pretty and calming. In the spring there are tons of flowers.

Amy liked Sonic alot, and her fondness was increasing the longer she spent with him. She liked his calm personality and kindness. Sonic enjoyed nature and relaxing and good scenery.

The friends walked between some trees. All of a sudden Tails stepped on something under the leaves. It was a wooden loft door. Tails's eyes got wide with Suprise, Sonic's eyes were big to.

Amy was alittle bit nervous. She had a scared feeling. The friends opened the door and explored. Under the door were catacombs. Sonic walked in front of Tails and Amy. He wanted to protect them, if there was trouble. Sonic heard the sounds of men talking. He peeked around a corner and saw a big room. He saw GZPO soldiers and General Bjorn.

The catacombs were a hidden GZPO lair.

General Bjorn was ordering his men around very roughly.

General Bjorn: Bring me the book we stole from the Woodsberg Library! It's important, it tells more about the Chaos emeralds and the Master Emerald's Location, as well as the story of Angel Island.

One of Bjorn's Spies had found and snuck into the library's secret room and stole the book. Bjorn had questioned a old man about it, the poor old frog told him after being threatened.

General Bjorn: Imagine the power we could wield, we would bring order to Mobius and be the most powerful army on the planet.

The soldiers brought Bjorn the book. It was covered in dust. Sonic's eyes widened. Sonic and Tails's had been looking for a book about the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic and Tails's tried to think of a plan to get the book and exit the lair.

Sonic: *Whispers* I'll buy some time, Tails's you swipe the book and Amy Keep watch and open the door when we're close.

Tails: Sounds like good a plan, I'll try to keep quiet and hidden.

Sonic zoomed over to Bjorn and The Soldiers.

Sonic: Hi!

Bjorn and the soldiers pointed weapons at Sonic. Sonic smiled softly.

Sonic: Be nice now. I'm not here to fight. How are you? How has the army business been?

Bjorn was ready to shoot.

Bjorn: What are you planning?

Sonic: Nothing......*Loud Burp* Excuse me. I'm just chilling, thought I'd see how you're doing.

Bjorn was not amused at all, but was focusing on Sonic. Bjorn had his pistol pointed at Sonic. The wolf had a mean look on his face.

Some of the Soldiers laughed. Sonic was very good at buying time. The soldiers weren't focused on Tails's who was close to the book on a
a table.

To Be Continued.

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