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Chapter 14

Tails flew the plane to the city. Robotnik's giant airship loomed over Station Square. The ship was gargantuan. The ship was hundreds of meters long. Tails felt frightened looking at the airship. The city was close to being completely evacuated, a lot of citizens were trapped or hadn't ran to the safe shelters. Most of citizens were already evacuated to the safe shelters at the entrance of the city.

A few of the skyscrapers had smoke above them and fire on them. Robots had filled the city. Robotnik yelled threats over a loud speaker.

Robotnik: This city is mine. If anyone leaves I will pulverize it with bombs and missles. The mayor of city will resign to, or I will bomb the city.

Robotnik's ship was packed with weapons. Amy gasped. Amy felt for the citizens. Sonic wasn't fond of Robotnik's threats. Sonic's eyebrows were lowered, his eyes focused on Robotnik's ship. His teeth clinched.

Sonic: I'll stall Robotnik. Tails and Amy, I want you to help the citizens. Knux I want you to crush the robots.

Knuckles *Smiles*

Tails: Alright Sonic. Please don't get injured.

Amy: Please be smart.

Amy looked at sonic with her big green eyes. Sonic Smiled, he wasn't going to let Robotnik take him down. Sonic Jumped out of the plane and landed on the roof of a tall building. Knux jumped off the plane and fell on top of a building and then jumped down to the streets. Knux landed with a shockwave. Knuckles cracked the street and smashed a robot.

Knux began to crush robots with his fists. Shards of metal flew through the air as Knuckles The Echidna punched the robot warriors. Knux was having fun.

Amy and Tails looked for citizens.

Sonic ran to Robotnik's ship. Sonic stood on a building.

Sonic: Robotnik!

Robotnik heard Sonic with his ship's recorder. Robotnik's eyes widened crazily. Robotnik wanted to hurt Sonic. Sonic smiled. Sonic stood fearlessly.

Sonic: Hi Robotnik!

Robotnik: Sonic it's good to see you. This is going to be fun.

Robotnik pointed his weapons at Sonic. Robotnik chuckled with menacing glee. Sonic was ready to fight. He still looked at Robotnik with a smile.

Robotnik fired his weapons. Sonic wasn't hit. Pieces of the building exploded into the air as rockets and bullets impacted the walls and roof of the building. Sonic avoided the guns and launchers without effort. Robotnik was a bit frustrated.

Robotnik: Where is he?

Robotnik had lost track of Sonic. Sonic had climbed onto the ship. He found a airvent. The tiny blue hedgehog crawled through the metal vents.
Sonic jumped out of the vent.

Sonic: What?!

Sonic was shocked at what he was looking at.

Sonic was was now in a big storage room. He looked around at the army of creepy robots. The robots were switched off.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom 2 Angel Island Where stories live. Discover now