Pink Girl?

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Chapter 2
Pink Girl?

The Pink girl hedgehog watched Sonic. Sonic was fishing and sitting on a fishing stool. Sonic hooked a few fish and released them. Sonic was having fun and enjoying the beautiful weather and pond.

The pink girl smiled softly as she looked at Sonic. Her eyes were shining. She liked Sonic. She wanted to talk to him, but she was very, very, shy. The pink hedgehog's name was Amy Rose. She was Sonic's age. Amy had a crush on Sonic as soon as she had seen him.

She first saw him at Woodsberg when Dr. Robotnik attacked. Sonic showed heart and pushed past his fear to help the townsfolk. It was when Sonic had took out the first Dr. Robotnik airship.

Amy sighed as she looked at Sonic. She loved the color of Sonic's fur and quills. She also loved his Emerald green eyes.

Amy Rose: *Thinks* Sonic is handsome. So tall and cute.

Amy watched Sonic for a while. She then went to walk off. She stepped on leaves and twigs. The twigs cracked Loudly. Sonic's ears stood. He looked around. Sonic looked around and kept fishing. Amy Rose was shy and scared. She hid in a bush.

Sonic: *Thinking* What was that? Might just be a small chipmunk or bird or something.

2 hours past and Sonic walked back to his house. It was a nice walk to Sonic's house, it was very calm and relaxing. Sonic heard leaves cracking.

Sonic's ears stood tall. Sonic was listening closely. Sonic looked around the area. He wasn't scared. There were multiple footsteps. Sonic's ears and eyesight were very strong. Sonic quickly climbed a tree in about a second. Sonic saw GZPO soldiers. The soldiers were heavily armed with rifles and explosives. There were 4 of the soldiers.

Sonic knew the soldiers were wanting him. He knew that General Frank and General Bjorn sent them. The generals were cowering from Sonic and keeping low. Sonic looked at the soldiers. The soldiers were wolfs and coyotes.

Sonic: This is too easy, this will be fun.

Sonic jumped off the tree and took down one of the soldiers with a flip kick. The soldier flew through the air and hit the ground hard. The soldier was knocked out.

The soldiers fired at Sonic. Sonic avoided the bullets without much effort. Sonic giggled as one of the Soldiers had to reload his rifle. Sonic zoomed over and punched the trained killer in the face. The soldier went flying back. Sonic smiled at the two soldiers that were still standing.

The soldiers paused in shock and then fired at the blue hedgehog. The bullets hit trees and rocks as Sonic weaved under the bullets and sidestepped them. Soil,tree branches,rocks, and leaves flew threw the air as bullets hit the forest floor and trees. Amy Rose was watching from her hiding spot. Her jaw dropped with shock. Sonic was moving like lightning.

The soldiers couldn't hit Sonic.

To be Continued.

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