Catacomb Fight

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Chapter 6
Catacomb Fight

General Bjorn stared at Sonic with intense eyes, he was not fond of Sonic at all. Sonic smiled. Bjorn knew Sonic was planning something. Bjorn walked forward with his hand gun pointed at Sonic's face.

Bjorn: You're not here alone are you?

Sonic: *Smiles Nervously*

Tails was close to the book and almost had it. Sonic was trying to keep Bjorn busy.

Sonic: Is that a new handgun?, very nice.

Bjorn was getting noticeably more intense and angry. He was going to fire his weapon at any second. Sonic knew he was fast enough to avoid the bullets, but he worried about Tails and Amy.

Tails now had the book and tried to crawl over to Amy. Bjorn noticed. The wolf snarled.

Bjorn: Shoot Them!!

Bjorn and his soldiers opened fire. Tails hid behind some furniture. Sonic knocked the pistol out of Bjorn's hand and then punched the wolf in the face and knocked him into a wall with a spinning kick. The wolf hit a picture on the wall and fell to the floor with a thud. The soldiers fired at Sonic with their plasma rifles.

Sonic avoided the dark red plasma bullets. He was much too quick for the soldiers. He knocked the weapons out of there hands and used his rolling attacks and kicks and punches to take them down. There where 10 soldiers in the room.

Pieces of armor and guns went flying through the air as Sonic knocked out the soldiers with fast and strong attacks. Sonic was too fast to see.

Sonic threw a soldier into another soldier knocking them out. The last standing soldier shot at Sonic fearfully. The soldier was firing plasma bullets everywhere. Sonic did a spinning side flip kick and knocked him out.

Sonic: let's go before more soldiers arrive.

Tails and Sonic ran to Amy. Amy opened the catacomb door. The friends escaped the catacombs and ran miles back to Sonic's house. Sonic carried Amy. Amy couldn't run like Sonic. Tails flew with his two tails at lightning speeds, not as fast as Sonic, but tails could move very quickly.

The friends got to Sonic's house. Amy was breathing fast, she was startled by what had happened she was hyperventilating. Her eyes were filled with fright. Sonic saw that she was scared. He hugged her snugly.

Sonic:*Kind* It's alright, we're safe now. It's alright.

Amy calmed down. She hugged Sonic to. He was very caring. Amy then released her hug. Amy and Sonic then looked at Tails.

Tails: We have the book, I'll start reading on it.

Sonic: Good job buddy *Smiles* Then we will find that big emerald.

Amy: Emeralds???? That sounds cool.

To Be Continued

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