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Chapter 9

Tails,Sonic, and Amy were now flying over the ocean. Sonic stood on the back of the plane. The sun was shining and there was a light wind. The wind moved Sonic's hair and ears.

Amy was in awe of the beautiful scenery. There tropical islands and the ocean was a rich and pretty blue. She saw seabirds. Amy also saw a whale jump out of the water. It was an incredible experience. The crew was getting closer to Angel Island.

The ocean began to turn rough and storm clouds appeared. The wind felt stinging and sharp. It began to rain. Bolts of lightning lit the sky. Sonic and Tails were nervous, Amy was pale as a bed sheet with fear.

The outline of the floating island could be seen now. Tails was gonna try to get Amy and Sonic to safety. Tails was gonna try to land on the island, but a giant waterspout appeared.

Sonic: Giant tornado!!!!

Tails: Hang on tight!

Sonic held Amy, she was crying.

Sonic: *Soft* We will be alright.

Tails could barely steer the plane, the wind was too strong. The plane was wobbly. He tried to steer the plane past the tornado. It worked, but the plane was now out of control. Tails was trying to safely land on the island, but the plane was going to land hard, the plane was twirling.

Tails found some soft bushes. Tails tried his best steered toward them. The plane hit the bushes and then slid through the rainforest of the island. Trees were knocked over.

Tails, Sonic, and Amy were alright. Not a scratch on them. Sonic sighed with relief. Amy was still hugging Sonic, she had her eyes closed tightly, she was shivering with fright. Sonic's belly fur was soft and smooth, she hugged him tightly.

Sonic: *Cheery* We're alright Amy.

Amy: *Tears Of Joy* We're Alive!!!!

Sonic: *Pats Tails On The Head* Good flying buddy, that tornado was scary. We're alright.

Tails: *Sighs With Relief And Smiles* Thanks Sonic. That was terrifying. My heart feels like a machine gun.

Sonic: *Smiles* You did good Tails.

To Be Continued

Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom 2 Angel Island Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora