**Part 1 - Malfoy Manor

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*Fully Edited*

Draco POV:

I was in my bedroom when I heard my father calling me from downstairs. He and I never really talked unless I had done something wrong, so I became nervous without realizing I was.

When I got downstairs, my parents were in the sitting room. My mother hugged me tightly close to her before leaving me alone with my father. The room was filled with an uncomfortable and uneasy silence until he finally broke it.

"Draco, you're a Veela," my father said.

I didn't realize that I was staring with my mouth open and eyes big at him until he continued.

"I know this is a shock to you and I'll explain everything," my father said. When he continued, his voice became a bit harsher than it had been before. "Tonight at midnight, you'll have extreme pain all over your body, but especially in your back. This is because your wings will be coming out, due to your inheritance," I cut him off.

"Why haven't you said anything before?!" I almost screamed at him.

He answered calmly, "Because your mother and I were nervous," he said and continued his speech. "Now, as I was saying," he paused for a second," you will most likely pass out from the pain like I did when my inheritance kicked in. You will then have to find your mate and he or she will have to accept you within the next 24 hours after you find them. You'll get weaker and weaker until he or she does accept you," he paused for a second, giving me time to take all this information in.

I was about to speak again when he started, "and," he paused again like he was trying to figure out how to tell me something important. "If they reject you, you'll die within the next 24 hours, getting extremely weak, until you most likely won't even want to be alive anymore," I was so shocked at all of this information that I just stood there, having completely forgotten what I was about to say.

My mother came into the sitting room to see how the conversation was going. I just looked at her in complete shock and my father had a worried expression that I don't think I had ever seen. My father started to continue talking, but I didn't hear a word. I was a Veela. And I had to find out the day before my inheritance and 17th birthday. My parents must have realized how shocked I was because my mother hugged me tightly. I could see my father's wings shoot out from his back.

They were black as the night sky, without a speck of other colours in them. The feathers looked as soft as a pillow that had just been patted down. It was beautiful to see until I saw my father's eyes. They had turned bright red and were piercing me. He looked like he could have killed me right then and there. I hurried to push out of my mother's hug, guessing that she was my father's mate and he was getting jealous.

"Go upstairs to your bedroom, sweetie," my mother said with panic in her voice when she realized.

I ran up the stairs and didn't look back until the door to my bedroom was closed and locked.

Time Skip

It was 11:30 pm and I couldn't stop thinking about a certain raven-haired Gryffindor. I had been in love with Harry Potter since first year but didn't realize it until only three years ago (in my fourth year, whereas I'm going to seventh year).

I was thinking about how his hair was always so messy, but still so perfect. About how his eyes were more green than summer grass and looked like emeralds. And about how his smile brightened up every room he walked into.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain throughout my whole body and I look at the clock. It was 12:01 am. I had completely forgotten about the time while thinking about Harry. I was screaming my soul out when suddenly, I see my parents in the doorway to my bedroom. Then, suddenly, everything went black. I had passed out from the pain.

When I wake up again, it is 8 am. My parents are sitting at my feet on my bed. I could feel something heavy on my back, so I got out of bed and looked in my mirror.

I had my wings. They were almost like my father's; black, like the night sky, and looked as soft as a pillow that had just been pat-down, but they had red and gold spots on them. They weren't messily strewn about them, and you could clearly see the black on the wings.

Remember, please don't come to me with ideas about this story; it is completed and fully on the author's account. I am purely only the editor. The original book is on the Gryffinpuffgirl_2310 account.

Words: 828

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now