**Part 21 - An Aeroplane and a Flight

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

After the wedding party, Harry and I went back to our house to pack. We were going to be going to some island just outside of Greece.

"Draco, where are my shorts?" Harry called from our bedroom--I had been downstairs, trying to make something for the ride and flight.

"I don't know, love. Aren't they in the closet?" I called back up to him.

Harry had insisted on us taking the Muggle way of travelling to Greece. I was fairly excited about it because I would have Harry with me and nothing else mattered right now. We were married. We were happy. Nothing was going to destroy this.

I had planned it all out. If something went wrong in the 'aeroplane' as Harry called it, I'd just fly away with Harry in my arms.

When we got to the airport, Harry walked me to what he called 'check-in.' When the lady had taken our 'luggage' (I think that's what Harry called our trunks) we went through something called 'security.' Thankfully, Harry told me that I couldn't have more than 100mL of liquid with me, so I shrunk all my potions projects.

When we got through the 'security,' we were being almost pushed by a lot--and I mean a lot--of Muggles. I gripped Harry's hand quickly to make sure we wouldn't lose each other.

"What is this madness?" I asked Harry with shock in my voice.

"Everyone is just trying to catch their flights. They must have arrived late," Harry said back.

"We do have about an hour and a half until our flight leaves and we don't know which gate it'll leave from," Harry said, almost casually.

"What do you mean we don't know which gate?!" I nearly screamed the question at him.

"Breathe. It's normal. We'll have to watch those boards," Harry said while pointing at one.

It was huge and it had a lot of plane numbers and destinations.

"Oh, okay," I said back.

Harry's POV

"Do you want to get something to eat before we leave?" I asked Draco, almost casually and he looked at me.

"You can eat here as well?" he asked me, his voice was full of shock and I chuckled a little.

"Of course. Come on," I said to him, then I dragged him to a restaurant that didn't seem to have too long of a wait.

"How long of a wait is there for food?" I asked a waiter that was probably supposed to show people to their seats.

"Not long, sir. Probably around half an hour," the waiter answered.

"Do you want to eat here, Dray?" I asked Draco.

"Sure, why not?" he said, smiling at me.

God, I felt my knees go a bit weak. He was so handsome when he smiled. He probably noticed because when we sat down after getting the menu, he smiled again, but so much brighter. His smile could have brightened up the whole airport.

"What in Merlin's beard is a 'hamburger?' And a 'spaghetti?'" Draco asked and I understood him; he had grown up in the Wizarding World, after all.

"A hamburger is usually a beef patty with different sauces and usually lettuce, tomato, and cheese. And spaghetti is just flour and eggs, mixed together, and boiled in water. It's really good and often it's with some meat sauce," I answered.

"What about 'pizza?'" Draco asked with even more confusion on his face.

"A pizza is a very thin bread with tomato sauce, cheese, and different meats and vegetables," I said plainly while looking at what I'd like.

The waiter came back to our table and asked, "are you two gentlemen ready to order?"

"Yes and stop smiling at my husband," Draco almost snapped, his eyes had gone a bit red from jealousy and I knew it was just his Veela talking.

"It's alright," I gave him a small smile before looking back at the menu.

"I'd like a Coca-Cola and a cheeseburger," I said.

"The same as him," Draco said, slightly pointing at me.

"Alright. Anything else?" the waiter asked.

"Oh, yes. Some mozzarella sticks for us to share," I said, smiling at Draco.

"What are mozzarella sticks?" Draco asked as soon as the waiter had left.

"It's deep-fried mozzarella cheese. They're my favourite food," I said.

I gave Draco a small wink and took his hand in mine. I rubbed small circles on the back of his hand with my thumb.

Our food came and we ate. Afterwards, we had to hurry a little because our gate was a little further than expected. As soon as we got on board the plane, Draco pulled my head onto my shoulder. I just rested my head on his shoulder.

Soon after, I felt his head resting on mine. I smiled to myself, knowing that he was using me as a pillow as well. I shifted a little and kissed his lips quickly before trying to get some sleep.

"Get some sleep, Dray. It's a long flight. And don't worry; nothing will happen," I said to Draco.

I felt his nervousness because he was rubbing my head really harshly. He only did that when he was nervous.

"I'm not nervous," he said with a slightly shaky voice.

"Dray, baby, you're about to make my head bleed, you're rubbing so hard," I said, smiling a bit when he kissed my head.

"I'm so, so sorry, Harry," he said and I just looked into his eyes and kissed him.

"It's alright. I promise," I said reassuringly.

We talked the whole flight, even though my plan had been to try and get some sleep. We laughed a little and talked until the seat belt sign was finally turned on.

"What does that mean?" Draco asked me, a bit confused.

"We're about to land, so everyone has to put their seat belts back on," I smiled at him.

He just smiled back and pulled my hand into his, his nails digging into my hand.

"Dray, loosen your grip a little bit, please," I said, trying to hold back the tears from the pain.

He kissed my hand softly before loosening his grip a little bit nervously.

Draco's POV

I hurt him twice within five hours. How does he not hate me? I thought to myself. I hated myself for letting myself hurt him twice, just because of my silly nervousness.

"I love you," I said with a bit of pain in my eyes.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it," he said and when he finished saying it, he looked me in the eyes and got a worried expression. "What is wrong, baby?" he asked, his worry clearly heard in his voice.

"I just hate myself for hurting you so much today. I'll make it up to you, I promise," I said, giving him a little sad smile.

"Oh, baby, it's alright. You don't have to make anything up to me," Harry said, his voice almost cracking.

He obviously felt sad for letting me believe I had to do something for him. I insisted on doing something for him as soon as we got to the place we were staying at (I think Harry called it an Airbnb or something like that). Apparently, it was a house we were renting and we could have it all for ourselves.

Finally, the 'aeroplane' landed and we went out. We collected our 'luggage' and got into a (what Harry called) 'taxi.'

Words: 1239

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now