**Part 19 - House and Wedding Planning

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

I woke up and rolled Harry out of my arms so I could go take a shower. Just about two minutes after I was under the water, I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey, can I join?" I heard Harry's sweet voice call out to me and I stuck my head out from the shower curtains.

"Of course," I said and winked at him.

He was quick to get undressed and into the shower with me. After the shower, we got dressed and went down for breakfast. As soon as we sat down, my mother started speaking.

"Good morning, boys. Harry, have you thought how many bedrooms and bathrooms you'd like and what style?" my mother asked.

"We would like at least five bedrooms and preferably, every bedroom has it's own bathroom and at least one extra bathroom for guests. We really didn't talk about the style yesterday. What do you think, Dray?" Harry said with a bit of his sexy and husky morning voice left.

"I don't care what style it is," I said before my mother could speak.

"How about a cottage style?" my mother suggested and I could see it wasn't exactly what Harry had in mind, so I decided to answer for him.

"No, mother," I said quickly.

"What? Why not?" she asked back.

"How about a cottage and modern mix?" Harry asked and he obviously wanted to please my mother, but he didn't want it to be fully cottage style.

Harry's POV

I saw that Draco had only said no to the cottage idea because I apparently let it slip on my face that I wasn't very fond of the whole cottage vibe, so I suggest the modern and cottage mix. A bright smile appeared on Narcissa's face and Draco looked at me, stunned.

"No, Harry. I'm not letting you go and please mother with a mix of something you want and she wants," Draco said sweetly to me, although he gave his mother a stern look.

Thankfully Lucius wasn't there -- he had to run to the office extremely early that morning and wouldn't be back until lunch. If he had been there, the look he would be giving Draco right now would be a warning -- his first and last one at that.

We argued for some time before we all decided on a modern style with some cottage feel to it. Then, the wedding planning started. Narcissa had a huge brown basket to the left of her chair.

I looked at the basket, curious as to what all those magazines were about. Then, I realized. Merlin, help me. They were wedding magazines. I looked at Draco, obviously uncomfortable with the number of magazines.

"I saved all these magazines for when my little Dragon would get married. We'll find something in some of these that'll be perfect. Oh, I can't wait. It'll be so big and beautiful!" she said the last part in an almost-squeak.

"Hey, Dray, can I talk to you for a second?" I said.

"Of course. What is it?" he said, his voice so soft and sweet.

"Er- in private, please?" almost as soon as I said that, Narcissa left the room, although just before closing the door, she popped her head back in.

"I'll leave you alone for a minute. Call out when you're done," she said to us.

"What is it, Harry? Is everything alright?" Draco's voice was shaking and he was really nervous.

"Of course. It's just that I don't want a big wedding or a big reception. I just want it to be close friends and family of ours," I said and felt like I was disgusting him and that feeling wasn't going to go away.

"Then we'll only have a small wedding with only close friends and family," Draco said to me.

"Are you sure? It won't upset your mother will it?" I asked him and he was just shocked.

"Harry!" he almost screamed. "This isn't her wedding, this is our wedding. And if you want it small, then it'll be small. I don't care what mother thinks," Draco said, holding my hand and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

Merlin, I missed those lips. It felt like ages since I had gotten a kiss from him.

"Thank you," I whispered to him.

"Of course," he said before calling his mother back in here.

Draco's POV

After Harry told me he just wanted a small wedding, I was so happy. He was telling me what he wanted and not just going with what mother was saying.

"Mother, we want a small wedding. Only close friends and family," I said to my mother after she sat down.

I know she wouldn't approve unless we gave her a good reason. She looked shocked and sad.

"Harry gets uncomfortable and scared around too many people. That's why we're keeping it small," I then said, earning myself a quick kiss on the cheek from Harry.

He looked at me and he was smiling like he was embarrassed.

"Alright then. If that's the case, of course, we'll keep it small," mother said and almost as soon as those words left her lips, Harry was beaming with happiness -- which just made me smile from ear to ear.

Then, some wizard builders came with a house-elf into the dining room.

"You must be from the wizard construction company," my mother said while one of the builders just nodded his response. "Come on. I'll show you where to start building," she said.

"Oh, mother?" I called out before she even touched the door handle.

"Yes, honey?" she questioned me.

"Could Harry and I see the building plan? Preferably before anything is done," I asked with a stern look on my face and I just wanted to make sure that Harry would love it.

"Oh, of course," my mother said, making the builder show us the plan.

Harry's face got an even brighter smile if that was even possible.

"I love this," he said and I was so glad my mate loved it and I did, too, to be honest.

My mother got the workers out to where the house was supposed to be and then looked to us for directions. She was obviously waiting to see if it was far enough away for us. Harry and I nodded at the same time.

Words: 1066

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now