**Part 10 - Looking Around

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

I looked at my sleeping mate and kissed his head gently, as not to wake him up, then, eventually, I fall asleep as well.

Narcissa's POV

I walked up to Lucius' study to get him for dinner. Then, I went to get the boys. When I opened the door and saw them asleep in each other's arms and in my son's wings, my heart melted.

I went back to get Lucius. He had to see how in love those two are. When Lucius saw them, he just hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear.

"I remember us cuddling like this," he said so that I could barely hear him.

I went up to them and stroked Draco's hair backwards to wake him up. Thankfully, it worked, although it did earn me a little growl, which I absolutely understand. Lucius used to do it to his mother, as well, when I came to meet them for the first winter after we found each other.

"Wake him up and come downstairs. It's dinner time," I whispered to him.

Draco's POV

I growled lowly, so not even my mother could hear me when she was just about to leave the room. I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful, sleeping in my arms like this.

Although, I was starving, so I decided to try and slip away from his grip. As soon as I was out of the bed, his eyes shoot open and he panicked. I was quick to get myself to him again.

I hugged him as tightly as I could without hurting him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't want to wake you, but it's dinner," I whispered in his ear.

We went down for dinner and we talked to my parents, as they were trying their hardest to get to know Harry. But, because he didn't know them very well, he would hesitate before saying anything.

Time Skip to the Next Day

I grabbed Harry's hand right after breakfast and ran with him to the garden. He just stood there, speechless. He looked so beautiful while smiling.

I went up to him and said, "if you like this, then you should see the lake. That's just a 10-minute walk from here," he looked at me with so much excitement in his eyes.

We walked there, hand-in-hand, until some bitch came up to us and started talking to MY Harry. They looked like they were just talking like friends from Harry's point of view, but she was obviously trying to flirt with him. I just looked at her with a death glare.

"Harry, baby, we should continue walking," I said.

"Ohh, sure. I'll see you later, Madeline," Harry said to her as I was pulling him away.

When we got to a tree where no one was, I sat him down. He was so beautiful, but I had to talk to him about that Madeline bitch.

"Hey, Harry?" I said, almost asking.

"Yes, Dray?" Harry answered me.

"Well, that girl was flirting with you. I guess I just wanted to let you know I'm not okay with other people flirting with you," I said as he looked shocked.

He obviously didn't see her flirting with him. He leaned in and kissed me passionately and I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

"I love you, and only you. No matter how many people do or do not flirt with me, you'll always be my only choice," Harry said, looking seriously at me.

I just smiled at him and nodded. I was so glad, hearing him say that he only loved me.

"I love you, too. Forever and always," I said.

"Forever and always," he said back and it obviously wasn't a question.

Harry's POV

We were walking back to the Manor. I couldn't help feeling horrible, not realizing that that girl was flirting with me. I had been constantly saying sorry to Draco.

We were holding hands, but neither one of us said anything. When we got back to the Manor, Narcissa and Lucius asked us how it had been.

"It was great," we said at the same time, then we both giggled a little.

I looked at Draco, who was just smiling brightly at me. I smiled back with my brightest smile. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer as we walked into the dining room and ate dinner.

When we got back up to our room, Draco starts mumbling something, probably to himself. I most likely wasn't supposed to hear him, but I did.

He said, "damn it, I love that guy," then, he called out to me from the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."

I just called "okay," back to him.

Trying my hardest not to have my voice break as tears threatened to spill. I could feel a ball form in my throat. Then, I heard the bathroom door open and Draco came back into the room.

I kept to my side of the bed when he came in. I could feel his eyes on me, then, he spoke up.

"What's wrong, baby?"  he questioned me, but I didn't turn to face him before answering.

"Who were you talking about earlier?" he made me turn around, so I was looking at him.

"What do you mean?" he questioned again.

"Earlier, before you went to take the shower, you mumbled under your breath that you loved some guy. Who were you talking about?" I asked, but I couldn't the tears from spilling any more.

I was full-on crying now and he looked at me with such a sad face.

"You, of course," he said.

"Then why didn't you just say my name?" I asked him with a puzzled look and sadness in my eyes.

He looked at me, then gave me a soft kiss. When he pulled away, he whispered to me.

"Because you're my guy," I just smiled at him.

I was craving his hugs and cuddles, so I asked, "can we cuddle?" he just looked at me, shock filling his expression and he pulled me as close to him as he could and wrapped his arms and wings around us until we both fell asleep.

Words: 1040

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now