**Part 17 - Meeting Planning

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*Fully Edited*

Harry's POV

I sent the owls to deliver the messages and in just a couple of hours afterwards, we got them both back.

Dear Harry,

Hermione and Ron and here with us and we just wanted to invite you to dinner tomorrow night. Please owl us your reply as soon as possible.

Everyone here is excited to meet the future brother/son-in-law (even though it might not be through the blood).

Harry, dear, how are you? ~~Molly

How is the Ferret treating you? ~~Ron

Hermione and the Weasleys

I read the letter out loud to Draco, who obviously wasn't listening to me. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, which made him show me attention. I handed him the letter and looked at him with a questioning look.

"He'll never warm up to me, will he?" Draco asked with a sad expression.

I went to the bed and cuddled him to my body.

"Of course he will. He just needs to get to know you," I answered with sadness in my voice.

Even though I tried to hide it, I didn't do a good job of it. It obviously broke my heart to see Draco like this. He felt so sad because my friend wouldn't accept him as my lover. I kissed his lips gently and passionately.

"Don't worry, Dray. He'll come around, just give it some time," I said reassuringly.

Usually, it was Draco saying these things to me, but this time, it was my turn to say them.

"So, I'm going to give them a yes for the answer about the dinner tomorrow. I hope that's all right with you," I said with sympathy in my voice.

"I love you, Harry," Draco said.

"I love you, too, Dray," I replied before sitting at the desk and starting to write down the letter.

Dear Hermione and the Weasleys,

Hi! We'd love to come to dinner tomorrow. I'm assuming it's at 7, like usual.

I'm doing really good. Thank you for asking Mrs Weasley.

RON! Stop acting like this. I love him and he loves me. Can't you just be happy for me?! We're ENGAGED for the love of Merlin! Just try? Please?

Harry and Draco

I sent the letter and went back to Draco to cuddle into him.

"Dinner is at 7 tomorrow, by the way," I said to Draco, knowing he wasn't actually reading by the expression on his face.

He was worried that my family wouldn't like him.

"They'll love you," I whispered into his chest.

He just looked down at me and put his book down, wrapping his arms around me.

Draco's POV

I looked at Harry and I was surprised he could tell I was worried. I thought I had been hiding it so well. I ended up just turning a slight pink in the face.

Words: 471

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن