**Part 25 - Kids and More Kids

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

Harry has been waking up the past six months to change and bottle feed the boys. Of course, I had helped, or at least tried to help. He usually wouldn't let me get out of bed. If one of them cried, he would push me slightly into the mattress and go to the boys' room.

"Harry, please let me take care of them, now. You go back to sleep," I said, getting out of the bed and I managed to get out of it before he pushed me back in it.

"Alright, but only this time," Harry said.

He had become sleep-deprived, because of the boys and not wanting or letting me wake up with them, ever.

Harry's POV

I woke up and looked at the time. It was already 12 pm. I had woken up to the smell of bacon from downstairs.

I put some pyjama pants on so I wouldn't be just in my boxers. When I came down, I saw Mr and Mrs Malfoy playing with the boys, so I quickly ran back up the stairs and got dressed. I put a green Muggle t-shirt on and some jeans. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, love," I said to Draco as I hugged him from behind.

"Good morning. My parents are out in the living room, playing with the boys," he said and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled.

"I know. I saw them, I just wanted to hug you first," I answered, kissing on the lips for just a couple of seconds and I walked into the living room, letting Dray go back to making breakfast.

"Good morning," I said to the two Malfoys who were sitting on the floor, playing with my kids.

"Oh, good morning, Harry," they both said.

"Dada. Dada," both boys said, trying to crawl or walk over to me.

"Hello, you two," I said, sitting down on the floor with the other adults.

We all ate breakfast together before the Malfoys had to get back.

"How about a Muggle movie?" I asked both boys who were sitting in their high chairs.

"Muggle Muggle," the boys said, not completely correctly, but adorably.

I picked Scorpius up and Draco picked Albus up. Albus Severus looked like Draco and I mixed together, although Scorpius looked just like Draco. It looked like I didn't have anything to do with him, even though he was my son as well and I'd always love him.

After we had been sitting down, watching the movie for about 10 minutes, I heard something on the window. I saw an owl there and quickly opened it up.

"I have to check this. I'll be right back," I said, but before walking into my study I gave Draco a kiss on his head and opened the letter when I got to my study.

Dear Harry,

Ron and I want to have a play date with the boys. After all, rose is the same age as them and we think it might be fun for all of us to get together if that's alright with you and Draco. We'd like to come over tomorrow, maybe around lunch? Please send us an answer as soon as possible.

Hermione and Ron

"Dray, can we have company around lunch tomorrow?" I called into the living room.

"Sure, why?" he asked back.

"I'll tell you when we're alone," I called back out.

Dear Hermione and Ron,

Of course. We'd love to have you three over for lunch tomorrow. We'll see you then.

Harry and Draco

I sent the letter and went back to sitting on the couch. That evening in bed, I decided to bring up who was coming tomorrow.

"Hermione, Ron, and their daughter, Rose, are coming tomorrow," I said and I was almost afraid of his reaction.

"Oh, that'll be fun. We can catch up while the kids play," Draco said.

"Yes, that's what I thought," I answered and soon, we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

The Next Day

It was already lunch and suddenly Hermione was standing in our fireplace. She was holding a girl that was around the same age as the boys, just one month younger.

"Hey, Harry," she said, putting her daughter down and giving me a hug.

"Hey. Where's Ron?" I asked her.

"Oh, he woke up sick today. I wouldn't let him come," she said.

"Oh, I hope he'll get better soon," I said, a bit worried. "My three boys are in the dining room," I added before Hermione took Rose back up and we walked together into the dining room and sat down.

"Hello, Hermione," Draco said.

"Hello, Draco. This is Rose," she said, pointing a little to her daughter before putting her gently on her lap.

After we all ate, the kids went to play with some big Lego cubes while the adults just sat on the couch and talked. We watched the kids. They all got along so well and it was so much fun.

It was almost dinnertime when Hermione and Rose went back home. When they were gone, I decided to order a pizza.  I went to pick it up and got back within 30 minutes. We had gotten both boys to bed and it was 8:30 pm.

"Dray," I said slightly while cuddling into his chest.

"Yes, Harry?" he asked.

"I want another child," I said simply.

"Well then, we'll have another one. Do you want to try now?" Draco asked and I looked up at him, smiling so brightly.

"Yes, if you want to," I said, blushing a little.

I thought it was amazing that even after two years, almost three, of us being together, married, and having two amazing boys, he still got me to blush.

"Yes, I want to," he said and we got down to business.

Three Months Later

Draco's POV

It had been three months since Harry got pregnant again. We were going through the same thing as last time. The two boys were staying at my parents' house and neither Harry nor I could see them. It was killing Harry, not being able to see his kids. And it was killing me, seeing Harry in so much pain, but we made the decision on having another one, so we had to live with it.

We had sent everyone letters, explaining how Harry was pregnant again and how we couldn't have company for the next six months. It was safe to say that Harry hated the thought of not spending the boys' first birthday with them.

Words: 1099

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now