**Part 16 - Revealing the Engagement

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

I looked over at Harry, who had just told my parents that we needed to tell them something. They just looked curiously at the two of us.

When Harry looked at me, he just smiles and said, "go on, you're telling them," I almost froze, then I felt Harry's hand squeeze mine reassuringly.

"Mother, father, we're engaged," I said, almost too fast for them to understand anything I'd said.

My parents looked at each other and then back at us.

"That's amazing!" my mother almost screamed out. "Congratulations, you two! I want to hear all about how it was done," she then added.

"Your turn to tell them," I looked at Harry while saying this.

He just looked at me and told my parents how I had proposed. He was smiling so brightly while my mother gave us a squeal every once in a while, or an 'aww.' My father just sat there silently while Harry told them everything.

"Well, that must have been a good evening for the two of you," my father finally said after Harry stopped talking.

I gave Harry a quick kiss on the cheek. Merlin, I love that boy so much.

Harry's POV

After we talked a bit about the wedding planning, Draco and I went up to our room. The first thing I did was taking out a quill and a piece of parchment. Draco looked at me, confused.

"Who are you writing to?" I looked at him.

"I'm sending the Dursleys a letter, telling them about the engagement. Don't worry, I'll make sure that they won't expect an invite," I said before turning to the desk, where my quill and parchment were sitting. "Oh, and I'm sending Hermione and Ron a letter, as well as Mr and Mrs Weasley," I added to my statement prior.

"But why, Harry? Have you completely forgotten how they were acting toward you back at school?" Draco asked me.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but Hermione had an excuse and apologized. That's why I'm telling her. She and Ron are living together, so he'll practically get the letter, too. And Mr and Mrs Weasley were the first things I had to family since my parents. I can't just tell them, even though they may hate me for it," I said with a small and sad smile on my face.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Draco said to me in almost a whisper.

I finished writing all of the letters and sent them off to their intended recipients. The letter to the Dursleys was sent with the Muggle mail and I sent the others with Hedwig and one of the Malfoy's owls that I borrowed.

Time Skip to the Next Morning

I woke up in Draco's embrace. I gently got myself out of it and went to take a shower. Almost as soon as I was out of the shower, I saw both Hedwig and the owl I borrowed from the Malfoys (I never got the name of their owl for some reason).

I let them both in and they were both delivering letters. I gently pushed at Draco to try and wake him up. Surprisingly, it worked.

"They sent answers," I said nervously.

"Who did?" Draco asked, still half-sleep.

His voice was so sexy and husky that I had a hard time with my self-control.

"Mr and Mrs Weasley and Hermione and Ron. They answered," I said. I had to admit that I was a bit afraid of what the letters could potentially say.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open them," Draco said, a bit surprised, but happy.

"Okay," I said and started opening the letter from Mr and Mrs Weasley.

Dear Harry,

Ron told us about you and Draco, although Hermione ended up letting us know about the fact that he is a Veela.

We were surprised when you didn't come with Ron last Christmas, but we guess your last letter explained everything that we needed to know.

You're always going to be our son, even though you might not be blood-related. We just want you to be happy and if Draco does that, we're happy for you.

Also, congratulations on the engagement. We're happy to hear from you again sometime soon.

Molly and Arthur

I looked at the letter and read it over again. I was so surprised that they didn't know that Ron was against it. They still wanted me to be their son.

"Harry, baby, what is it?" Draco asked me, a bit worried. I just handed him the first letter and opened the one from Hermione and Ron.

Dear Harry,

First of all: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Although Ron is still a bit upset about it, he's actually too afraid to apologize. I hope you'll forgive him.

As this is also an invite to mine and Ron's wedding, we hope both you and Draco will be at the Burrow.

Maybe you and Draco could come over sometime to mine and Ron's place for dinner beforehand?

I know that you're worried about how Ron would act, but I'll put him in his place if he says anything. Don't worry.

Hermione and Ron

I looked even more shocked at their letter.

"Oh my Merlin, Harry, this is amazing. They still love you, no matter what," Draco said happily to me.

Then, he saw me reading the letter from Hermione and Ron again.

"May I?" Draco asked me with a bit of worry in his tone.

"Sure," I handed him the letter and just looked out into space.

"We're going to that wedding and you're saying yes to the dinner," Draco said, looking serious.

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked him.

"Harry, are you kidding me? Of course. I want to be on the good side of your friends and the people who you look to as parents," Draco said with so much love in his voice.

"Okay," I said and went to write back to them.

Dear Hermione and Ron,

We would love to come to dinner sometime, thank you for the offer. We would be delighted to attend your wedding, as well.

Harry and Draco

"I put your name on it as well. I hope that's alright," I said to Draco.

"Of course. Put my name on the letter to Mr and Mrs Weasley, as well," Draco said before going back to the book he was reading before.

I had managed to make him read my favourite Muggle book shortly after we got together and now he reads it over and over again without putting it down.

Dear Mr and Mrs Weasley,

Thank you for the support. And, if it's alright with you two, Draco and I would like to come to visit sometime.

Harry and Draco

Words: 1129

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now