**Part 26 - Another Birth

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*Fully Edited*

Harry's POV

I had just given birth to another boy. It was 2:00 pm and the sun was shining brightly through the window. Our son was exactly one year and two months younger than our twins, which was crazy if you asked me.

"What do you want to name him?" Draco asked.

"How about James Potter-Malfoy?" I asked and Draco looked at me and smiled.

"I love that," he finally said.

Narcissa and Lucius had decided that even though I had given birth, they would keep the boys for the day. They wanted us to just be alone and relax with the new little one. The boys would then come to us the next day.

"I love you, Dray," I said while Draco was making the two of us some dinner.

"I love you, too, Harry," he answered before giving me a quick kiss to the lips.

I smiled at him as he hurried back to the stove. I was feeding James his bottle and it was going great.

We ate dinner with James sleeping in his rocking chair. It was like a mix of a chair and a bed. All James did was lay there and then some cute charms hung down and slow music played. He had fallen asleep in it and was so adorable.

The next morning, both of our boys came and hugged us tightly.

"I missed you, dads," they said at the same time--Albus Severus hugging me and Scorpius hugging Draco.

"We missed you guys, too," Draco said.

"Why don't you two go look into your bedrooms," I said.

We had placed their birthday gifts there and they were huge, to say the least. They both got what they wanted. They were just over one year old, but were already speaking almost correctly and walking very well. Sometimes, they managed to get up a bit of a run before falling, although always just laughed at it when they did fall.

"Can we see him?" Narcissa asked with hope all over her face.

"I'll go get him. You catch up with your parents," I said to Draco before walking upstairs to get James.

"This is James Potter-Malfoy," I said, handing him to Narcissa.

"He looks just like you, Harry," Lucius said with somewhat sweetness in his voice.

"Yeah, I guess he does, doesn't he?" I said, laughing a bit.

"Can we see him?" Scorpius asked from behind Draco and I and Narcissa handed me James again and I bent down to show James to the boys.

"He's adorable," Albus Severus said and all of us just laughed a little.

"Yes, he is," Draco said, coming down to mine and the kids' level.

We all went to eat lunch and the two one-year-olds sat next to their brother while James was in his rocking chair, playing with the charms that hung down.

"Were they good?" I asked Narcissa and Lucius and they just looked at each other.

"Yes, they were. Mr and Mrs Weasley came to visit once or twice and took them out to the Muggle world. And then, Hermione and Ron also came for their birthday," Narcissa said.

"They are mean when it comes to their bath time," Lucius said, almost a mumble.

"Yeah, I know. They're horrible at bath time," Draco said, a bit embarrassed and I put a hand on his thigh and smiled at him.

"Are you guys planning on any other children in the future?" Narcissa asked.

"MOTHER!" Draco almost screamed at her. "That is none of your business," he added and just huffed and he was obviously offended that his mother was asking and I just shook my head.

Words: 609

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now