**Part 9 - Getting to Malfoy Manor and Some Smut (Kinda)

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*Fully Edited*

Draco's POV

Harry and I walked off of the train and my parents come up to us. The first thing my mother does is hug Harry. I have to admit: I know it was my mother, but it made me a bit jealous after the love potion. I accidentally let a low growl escape my mouth. When my mum let go of the hug, I pulled Harry into my side and held him close to me by his waist.

Apparently, my father had heard the growl, because he gave me a killer look. I could see in his eyes that he was getting jealous of Harry from the hug from mother.

"Come on, boys. We want to hear all about how it's been for the two of you this year," my mother said with excitement in her voice.

Harry and I looked at each other, trying to see whether the other one wanted to tell them about the love potion or not. Then, Harry spoke.

"It's been amazing. Your son is a real gentleman," he apparently decided to leave the potion out of the year, like it never happened.

I didn't have anything against that. I was actually glad he left it out. That way, we wouldn't have to answer a whole series of questions.

We apparated to the Manor, where I pulled Harry all around. I was so happy he was finally here, seeing where I grew up. When we came to our room, I stopped before opening the door and looked him straight in the eyes.

"It's full of Slytherin colours. I'm sorry. we can have mother or father change some of the things' colours. If you want to, that is," I said with full seriousness in my voice and he just giggled.

"I'm guessing that behind these doors is our room?" he questioned.

I just nodded my head. Suddenly, I felt soft lips against mine for just a couple of seconds. I had to use all of my willpower to not growl at the cold my lips felt when he pulled away.

"Are we going in, or are we just staying out here?" Harry asked me, his voice full of love and affection.

"Yeah, of course," I paused when he was looking around the room.

I had my bed in the middle of the room with Slytherin green and silver bedding, with black bedside tables on each side of it. There were Slytherin green and silver curtains on the huge window by one of the bedside tables. There was a huge walk-in closet and we had our own bathroom attached.

To Those Who Want Smut:

There will not be smut included in this edited version. For the smut, go to the original story on the author's page (Gryffinpuffgirl_2310).

In the future, where smut is in the original book, I will just put a note (not unlike this one) to go to the original book. The smut will be in the exact place it is here, just in the other version, so if you want to read it, please go to the original.

This would have been smut, so if you do want to read it, go to the original.

Back to the Book

Harry's POV

We were just laying on the bed after we cleaned up with spells, unlocked the door, and took the silencing charm off. I cuddled myself into Draco's chest and kissed it lightly.

"I love you, Dray," I said as my eyes were about to close.

Just a second before falling asleep with his arms and wings around me, I hear him whisper.

"I love you, too, Harry," then, I fall asleep, smiling.

Words: 610

Drarry a Veela Story (Edited version from @Gryffinpuffgirl_2310)Where stories live. Discover now