Ch 40 - Acceptance

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You have good news.



It was during lunch and you got a text from your mother. Sitting across from Fuutaro you smiled. "Hey Toro, my Mom just texted me. I have a good feeling about this."

"Open it then." He said firmly.


< Hey Honey. I see a letter here from a university. I don't know how many you applied to, but I put it on your desk. Hope you're having a good day. >

"School letter. Don't know from who. But looking forward to it." You smiled and looked up at Fuutaro who nodded with a smirk. "What?"

"Oh come on. You got it." Fuutaro grinned. 

"Let me have Nino know. We'll ride to my house and open it up. I might be late. I'm being optimistic. I applied to a few, just to get rid of the what-ifs."

He shook his head. "You could afford that?"

"Not really..." You sweatdropped. "But I have to know. It will drive me nuts. Nino paid for the school she wants me and Itsuki to go to. After that, I dug a little deep. But they had a program where they could give you a free application and I was granted it. So that helped. It was only three afterwards. Not like I airmailed it like a billboard."

"I get it. Work helped me apply for them and I took the free application myself." He put his chopsticks down. 



"What!?" You gasped.


"What's your sister and girlfriend going to say?" You wanted to pick his brain about this. Had to after hearing that. His poor sister missing her big brother and the girls seeing his everyday and then vanishing. Poor Miku, Ichika, Yotsuba, and Itsuki. 

"If they pay for everything I have to take it." He said firmly.

"My ass Fuutaro. No rent, local, all paid, sister and a nice girlfriend, and you got it made. What's the deal? To see if you can get in? You're worthy enough? You're just like me where you question it. But does the school make the man? You're telling me a man with a 4.0 GPA basically 98 average plus is curved down because of the school he chose after high school?"

"Now hold on-"

"You're overthinking. How does a guy who can read a textbook front to back in basically a day be so ignorant? What's going on in that head of yours genius?" This was starting to bring a little uproar on both sides. 

"Exploring my options and debating later. I got work, studies, and more. I have to pay my families debts, make sure my sister is in good hands, and make sure I can do my best. No exceptions."

"Let's make them proud. And we are doing it the right way. And before I forget, let me text Nino."

< Hey Queen. Just got notified that a school letter is on my desk. I wanted to know if you wanted to open it with me. >

And now, I wait. This is going to be a slow afternoon until I get on the bike.


The classes felt a little lengthy, but nothing too over the top. You met Nino as you had the bike ready. She put on her glasses and hopped on the bike. It was the one you really wanted to see. Especially to see what the fuse was about. Your mother didn't tell you the name of the school and it did not matter. At this time of year you were getting a yes or no. Cut and dry. Time for results.

"Hey Boo." Kissing the back of your neck.


"Yeah." Holding onto your stomach as you takeoff. "So, what school?"

"Don't know. She didn't say. But we are opening this together. You were concerned and I want you to be there to see my reaction. No matter what happens Nino, I love you."

"I love you too Boo. Don't forget it."

"Love you too Queen."

It takes a few minutes to get back to the house. You walk yourself in as your mother waves hello from the kitchen and has you head to your room. A mellow greeting to you and Nino probably because she is waiting to hear the results from the letter. How a white envelope could change everything. All the elements in your life. The decisions you make. Moment of truth.

( Though just to be way out front, if someone tells you college is the decision of if you're a loser or not, tell them to go ostrich their head into a rock before telling to get hit with a frying pan! )

You walk in and it is on top of your closed laptop. This looks like it is it. Time to look at the name on it. Then it will tell. As you give a look closer, this isn't from Soniech...



"Osaka." You opened up the envelope. 

Dear (LN) (FN),

I am delighted that you have wanted to bring your skills to Lindull University. Here at this school we look for excelling students with the drive, commitment, and being one of the top schools in the this nation we set the bar high. After looking into your records, your transcript is quite remarkable. I looked personally took time to go through your application top to bottom and am very impressed. Your abilities, mindset, drive, brilliance, and you seem to speak very well. 

I have an offer for you. I will cover 75% of your tuition costs for your time here at Lindull if you decide to join aboard. Please consider attending. I would really enjoy your company if my office and talk as well. You have so much potential. 

Headmaster Yagimosa Ikki

"Holy shit..." So much for speaking well. You couldn't find the words.

"Honey..." She felt lost. Felt that someone was trying to sell you out.

"Well I did it." You smiled. "Not the one I need, but feels good. I'm going to frame this."

Nino was uncertain. Your words and actions were not on the same page. "Babe?"

"I got into the school I wanted to. You know, one I thought was a moonshot. Got much praise from it. The Headmaster is still there as well. Even better. But it's a no."

"Hold on. What!?" Nino is speechless. 

"I gave you my word. Waiting on Soniech to confirm with me. This is just a good pat on the back. Now, I guess let's go to your house. We're done here."

She grabbed your arm. "No you don't!" You aren't going any place now. Not until she's through. "You're going to Seniech even though they haven't given you an offer?"

"Just playing the game. I was curious. The fact I got a yes is very accomplishing. That is all I needed. I told you that I'm committed and me and you are not going anywhere. I wouldn't second guess. You trust me right?"

"Yes, you just have me worry a little."

You smiled and shook your head. "Stop you. Come here." Giving her a kiss. "Now let's get you home."

Oh (FN). Every intention you have serves purpose. How you do it is beyond me. But looking out for me no matter is just another reason why I love you. I know I'm a little hard to deal with, but you just know how to make me feel special.


Not yet. It will come.


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