11: Like Father Like Daughter

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Hook waited in the prison for Cora to come. When she did, she was taken back seeing him standing in the prison and then angry at the fact that the prisoners had escaped. 

"Looking for someone?" He asked her. 

"Oh, oh don't tell me you were dumb enough to let them go," Cora said.

"She was never gonna give you what you wanted anyway," Hook told her, "And the lass was certainly not going to work for you."

"So you freed them? And stuck around for the petty satisfaction of seeing me suffer?"

"Oh," Hook responded, "Watching you suffer is a tempting motivation, but it wasn't that."

"Well, then you must have a death wish," Cora said amused. 

She sent him flying to the cave wall and Hook was paralyzed. The rock of the cave wall bounding his arms trapping him there as Cora walked up to him.  Her eyes were venomous and cutthroat. She removed his hook and pulled back his clothes over where his heart was. 

"You know I have to kill you," Cora said to him. 

"You should try thanking me," the pirate countered. 

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"Because I've brought you a gift. It's in the satchel."

"What is it?"

"Customarily, surprise is part part of the fun of gift-giving. Open it."

She ripped the satchel from him and opened it. She took a sharp breath and held his gift in her hand. 

"Is that..." She said slowly.

"Indeed it is," Hook replied, "And with it, you'll get everything you want."

"Let's try it out, shall we?" Cora asked him wickedly. 

He was freed from the cave wall and crossed his arms. The hook was back on his hand and he watched Cora hold the heart in her hand. 

He received it while the two ladies were unconscious. He was safe though when he chose to do so. He may have tried to push his daughter to fight against him, but his motives were good. Cora knew of her existence and it was important for the both of them to keep neutral, if not, troubled ties. Otherwise, Cora may view it as an opportunity to keep him in line and he refused to put Elle in such danger. Luckily, what he secured for Cora would do the job nicely. 

"Because of you," Cora spoke into the heart controlling Aurora's words, "He said he wanted to prove to you that you should've trusted him, that if you had trusted him... You could've defeated Cora together. That the two of you could've gotten the remains of the wardrobe. Without him, you'll have to go up against her all by yourself. He only wants to help. I... I think he might care for you."

He scoffed at the end, "Nice touch, that." 

"But you should know she won't trust you," Cora responded.

"Ah, she doesn't have to. All I need is for her to believe that I was genuine in letting the girls go which I wager she does now."

"And what of your darling daughter?" Cora asked. 

Hook did not give anything away as he walked towards Cora, "She chose her side and I am ready to strike her down should it be necessary."

Cora was pleased at his answer. 

"The life of a father is not one that suits you now, does it?" Cora asked him. 

Hook shrugged his shoulders carelessly in return, "You're welcome."

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