18. His Isolation

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Hinata wasn't the same. Not after pulling the trigger down on his sister. Not after digging her grave. Not after watching her body fall into the hole he had dug.

"Please, eat something Hinata." Sugawara knitted his eyebrows together, lips pursed with worry. Hinata's lidded eyes stared at the wall across from him with disinterest. Suga swallowed a thick lump in his throat, glancing away, before setting down the bag of chips in front of him.

They were running out of food to eat it. Two weeks into hiding out here at the school and the only meals they could eat were snacks.

"You need to eat." Suga muttered, and Hinata didn't reply, simply parting his lips and sucking in the frosty air. A few gray tendrils of his hair waved with the slight draft that wafted through the cold classroom. "Bye." He uttered quietly, before leaving him in silence.

Hinata felt so empty, like his heart was a black hole, sucking up any emotions that bubbled up. He was left feeling like an empty shell, a husk. Like he was nothing, rooted only by his feet firmly planted against the ground. He was almost afraid he would cave in on himself.

His insipid skin was a muted cream, light and deathly. Hinata looked sick. He felt sick.

Hinata collected himself, bony fingers grabbing at the bag of sour cream and onion chips, the wrapper crinkling deafeningly loudly. The rough flesh of his fingertips tugged at the opening, pulling the bag open with a seemingly loud pop. Hinata crunched on a single chip, the stale flavor making him wrinkle his nose. He ate a couple more, before setting the bag down.

The door opened slowly, the weak form of Yamaguchi shuffling inside and sitting across from him.

"Hinata." Yamaguchi's voice trembled. "Are you doing okay? Suga said you wouldn't eat." They both knew the answer to that. "I'm down to my last pill." Yamaguchi chuckled, but it was filled with absolute terror. Hinata could practically feel the boy's fear in his bones. Hinata let his eyes drift to his feet, mouth somewhat parted. "Daichi wants you to go out with a few others to get supplies. He said it might make you feel a bit better. Or fresher, or something."

Hinata didn't say a thing, didn't even awknowledge his words. Yamaguchi let out a heavy sigh, picking himself up.

"Please take care of yourself, Hinata. The group can't handle another loss." Yamaguchi left the room after that, and Hinata glared at the wood paneling beneath him. He didn't understand how Yamaguchi wasn't terrified out of his mind, with his death drawing nearer and nearer. Unless they could do something about his pills situation, the freckled teen was royally screwed.

Hinata reluctantly took another chip, chewing it with distaste.

"We're leaving right now, Hinata!" The smooth, smug voice of Tsukishima called from down the hall. He stared at the ground for a few beats, before he scrambled to his feet, exiting the classroom he slept in with the other first years. Great, he had to go on the run with the biggest jerk ever. Well, second biggest jerk ever.

"Here's a knife, Hinata. Please try to avoid unnecessary slaughter, you guys. I trust you to be a good mini leader, Tsukishima." Daichi's powerful voice filled his ears.

"Why does he get to be the leader?! I'm the older one!" Tanaka complained, clenching one of his hands around a baseball bat. Daichi rolled his eyes, ignoring Tanaka's childishness.

"That's exactly why you're not the leader." Kageyama muttered to himself, making the shaved headed boy flick his arm. The atmosphere turned gloomy again as Daichi lowered his head, expression serious.

"Please be careful, you guys. We have no idea if it's even somewhat safe out there anymore." He advised, and Hinata gulped fearfully. Nagisa's words came back to him,

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