27. Hurting

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(there's one more chapter after this.)

The worry that twisted in Hinata's stomach was insistent. "Where's Suga? He should be out here by now!" Hinata curled his toes in his shoes, biting roughly on his lower lip.

"Let's not think the worst. Maybe he got caught up or something, he's gonna be out here in no time." Kageyama said, unconvincingly at that. It seemed the raven haired boy was trying to convince himself, if anything.

"Well we can't leave until he's here," Tsukishima spoke lowly, his eyes down casted to the concrete of the road. They were outside the gymnasium, a bit further away, with Nekoma and Fukurodani. The other two teams were ready to leave, but the three Karasuno boys insisted they had to wait for Sugawara and Kinoshita.

"You guys!" A meek voice called out, making Hinata turn to see a bloody and panicked Kinoshita. He looked around him, hoping to see Suga, but was left fearful and disappointed with the absence of the boy. Kinoshita's face was covered in tears, his eyes bleary as he looked at the group. "I'm sorry," Kinoshita sobbed, "Suga was in trouble and I ran away! Sergeant got him! I'm sorry!"

Hinata stared at him, dumbfounded, as if he hadn't understood what he was saying. Sergeant got Suga...
Hinata felt rage ignited in him as he glared poisonously Kinoshita's way. "You left Suga?!" He snapped, and Kinoshita swallowed roughly. "You pathetic piece of shit." Hinata said in disbelief, rolling his sleeves up. "I'm gonna kill you!"

Kinoshita flinched, backing away slowly. Tsukishima and Kageyama shared a look, before each of them looped an arm into Hinata's, preventing him from letting his anger out onto Kinoshita. The timid boy scampered away, off into the night and away from them. He was so full of fury he could have exploded.


Hinata's heart dropped to his stomach at the reminder. The building was going to blow up, and if they didn't do something Suga would go with it.

"I'm going in there." Hinata's voice was hard, determined as he eyed the building up.

"Shoyo, we have to leave! We can't go back in there, it's too dangerous. Especially not you, Sergeant is looking for you! We can leave now because it's night and it's hard for them to see!" Kenma insisted, worry screwing his features into a frown. Hinata closed his eyes tight for a few seconds, before opening them.

"I'm sorry, Kenma. I have to go back in there. Suga has done too much for us." Hinata stared with disdain at the doors to the gymnasium.

"I understand, Hinata, but we're going to leave now." Kuroo said, so softly it reminded him of how Suga talked to comfort them.

Hinata hoped so desperately Suga was okay, waving to Fukurodani and Nekoma as they walked away, covered by the dead of night. "Hinata, I'm coming with you." Kageyama declared, his eyes glinting in the full moon above them.

"Me too." Tsukishima said firmly, and Hinata nodded at the two taller boys. As he opened his mouth to speak, he closed it slowly, offering the other boys a strange look.

"Do you smell that?" Hinata whispered, glancing at the building. "It smells like smoke."

"That's probably the cause," Tsukishima muttered, his voice riddled with panic as he pointed towards the top of the gymnasium.

Gray smoke was billowing from the top, polluting the air with the thick stench of fire. Hinata held his hand out, watching as a dying ember floated into his hand, stinging him slightly. He shook his hand, and the slight pain in his palm went away.

"The building's on fire..." Kageyama gulped, and Tsukishima sighed.

"No shit." Tsukishima replied dryly, getting a glare from Kageyama.

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