20. Death is Everywhere

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Rain pounded on the roof of the van, and for once Hinata felt overwhelmingly hot. It was so stuffy inside the car, and it didn't help that there was a girl bleeding out beside him.

He thought back to when they first drove away from the school, when he had caught a glimpse of a tall, muscular stature and cold blue eyes. It almost looked like... No, it couldn't be. Could it?

Those eyes. That malicious smile. The sinister laughter. It all haunted his nightmares and kept him fearful. There was no way.

There was no way he had seen Sergeant standing in front of the school with his creepy smile and dead eyes. Sergeant was dead. The reds had gotten to him back at the military facility. Right?

Hinata immediately pushed the doubt from his mind, and tried desperately to tune out Ibuki's incessant screaming.

Noiselessly he pulled his knife out of his pocket. Yamaguchi's eyes widened as he caught on to what was happening, when Hinata swiftly stabbed the knife right through her skull, blood squirting out onto his face and lap, before she fell limp onto Yamaguchi's lap.

Yamaguchi erupted into a horrified scream, wiggling away as far as he could from the bloody body. The car swerved with the sudden shift in noise, and Daichi gritted his teeth.

"Don't do that!" Daichi cursed, and Tsukishima looked back from the shotgun seat at the hyperventilating Yamaguchi.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima muttered, and Yamaguchi whimpered, his shoulder blades pressed against the car door.

"Sorry, Tsukki." Yamaguchi stammered, gripping the fabric that resided right over his heart. The boy looked about ready to pass out. Hinata settled back into his seat, wiping his now red hands on his pants, slipping the knife back in his pocket.

Hinata looked out the window with a hand on his chin, eyes catching on a red on the side of the road that was running after them. But it wasn't fast enough. His eyes trailed a rain droplet that trickled down the window, on the other side of a blood spatter.

"What's that?" Sugawara's voice made Hinata perk up with fright, and Daichi slowed the car to a stop.

Off to the side of the road were several tanks and tents, that likely belonged to the military.

"Is it a military camp?" Tsukishima questioned, and Hinata licked his lips.

"Looks like it. Maybe they have some weapons we could take or something." Daichi uttered out, his eyes gazing at the camp as he thought.

"But if they abandoned it then it's obvious they did it for a reason... This area could be unsafe." Sugawara's voice wobbled as he expressed his fears.

"We need somewhere to stay." Daichi muttered, and at this Suga's face twisted. "Alright, guys, draw your weapons and be careful." As he said this, Takeda's car stopped behind theirs and the others climbed out.

Kinoshita's fear filled face made Hinata's heart wrench. The boy's terror reminded him of his own.

"How many did we lose? How many of us couldn't make it in the car?" Daichi asked, worry making his voice tremble. Takeda's gaze casted downwards.

"Asahi and Narita didn't make it." Takeda spoke quietly, and Hinata felt his stomach clench at the losses.

"So that means we lost Asahi, Narita, and Yachi." Hinata breathed, and at the last name Kiyoko's breath hitched, and he knew it was because she was like an older sister to Yachi. Hinata still couldn't believe Yachi had killed herself. He shuddered to remember her screams of pain as she was eaten alive.

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