5 Things Feat. The Suisen Girls VBC

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babyycrow possible typos and the old version I made a long time ago(yes I did this before, it's on my old acc) so don't be thrown off

All: 5 things! 5 things! 5 things! 5 things! 5 things!

Kishi: 5 things you've never done in a dark alleyway.

Risa: Rub a penis

All: One!

Nari: Eat garbage!

All: Two!

Akira: Dance!

All: Three!

Nikko: Pet a monkey!

All: Four!

Kaede: And run!

All: Five!

Kishi: 5 things you've done on stage.

Risa: I've stripped!

All: One!

Nobuo: Run!

All: Two!

Akira: Uh..say something sad

All: Three!

Nikko: Cry!

All: Four!

Kokoa: ..Eat penis(?)

All: Five *laughs*

Ahmya: 5 things you'd say in the bedroom!

Kaede: Fuck!

All: One!

Risa and Nari: I'm ready!

All: Two! *laughs*

Nikko: Where do I put it?!

All: *laughs* Three!

Akira: Who the hell are you?!

All: Four!

Kokoa and Imari: I'm not ready!

All: Five! *dies laughing*

Kishi: 5 things to do with your baby after they're born.

Nari: Uh..drop kick it!

All: One!

Kaede: Uh..field a goal(?)

All: Two!

Risa: Bury it!

All: Three!

Akira: Put it back in!

All: Four!

Nobuo: Eat it! (You thought Nobuo was sane, you thought wrong)

All: Five! *laughs*

Ahmya: 5..uh..places you would secretly have sex.

Kokoa: The sun!

All: One!

Risa: Your car!

All: Two! *laughs*

Katsuki: *appears out of nowhere* Space? (GET I T-)

All: Three!

Imari: Under...the earth

All: *laughs* Four!

Nobuo: A church!

All: Five!

Kishi: 5 different ways that you have dyed your hair.

Nikko: Uh...uh...sadly(?)

All: One!

Risa: Uh...with blood!

All: Two!

Nari: Uh..with internals!

All: Three!

Kaede: And then white with cum!

All: Four........

Ahmya: 5 things for youtuber pornhub(?)

Nobuo: Oh uh..clickbait my diiiick!

All: *laughs* One!

Kaede: uh...demonitized mineholes(?)

All: Two!

Kokoa: Put your sweet avenue in my pussy! *holds up her cat*

All: Three! *dies laughing*

Nobuo, again: Ah..*censored uwu - too vulgar*


Kishi: 5 rules you'd have on your own personal island.

Kokoa: No dicks!! *pulls out a lesbian flag*

All: One!

Risa: *throws a table at everyone deadass* Go away!

All: *laughs* Two!

Akira: Uh...yeah beers..

All: Three! *still laughing*

Kaede: I don't like spicy food!

All: Four!

Nikko: I need a boat!

All: *still laughing* Five!

Ahmya: 5 pick-up lines you wouldn't use

Kaede: Hey you look really pretty. We should maybe hang out sometime if you want

All: One!

Risa: Your dad is fucking garbage!

All: *laughs* Two!

Akira: Hey if you don't go out on a date with me, I'll kill your dog in your sleep!

All: Three!

Nikko: Please..

All: Four *laughs*

Nobuo: I had sex with your sister-

All: Five!

Kishi: 5 different ways you like to punch a child

Nari: Uh...very hardly

All: One!

Imari: With both hands

All: Two!

Risa: With my foot!

All: Three!

Kokoa: With both of his hands *points at Nobuo deadass*

All: Four!

Nobuo: With the babies own hands!

All: *laughs* Five!

Ahmya: Uh..5 things you would sell your friends for

Risa: Cocaine!

All: *laughs* One!

Nikko: B(r)itches(?)

All: Two!

Nobuo: Concrete!

All: Three!

Akira: Sap?

All: Four!

Nari: Uh..bloody napkins?

All: *laughs* Five!

𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz