"There's more..?"

7 0 0

Warning: mentions of murder, slight bullying, hinting at r/pe, small hint at inc/st


Chase: Did Jolene actually die from cancer?

Bridgette: What?

Chase: Well?

Jolene: Why wouldn't I have?

Chase: The nicotine addiction is fake, because assuming she did have one, she'd still have it. Plus I thought we couldn't heal or bring back people who have cancer?

Bridgette: Oh...

Jolene: Well—

Chase: And is Jolene even- like- here? Like actually? Because I actually looked at old photos and Jolene didn't look like she did now. In fact, Jason and Jolene weren't even identical. And by the way, all throughout Jolene being dead, I noticed one eye being more blue like Jolene's and it isn't anymore? Well. Occasionally it still is.

The kiddos(but Jason): Oh-?

Bridgette: Guess I'm telling the real story.

Jolene: Mom pl-

Bridgette: Jolene.

Jolene: Sorry.

Bridgette: Have a seat kiddos.

The kiddos: *has a seat*

-flashback(this is telling the story so bear with me)-

Axel: I don't think you should be picking favorites.

Bridgette: But look at her! I mean, Jason is cute too but I mean-

Axel: Well. I guess. But-

Bridgette: Shut it, you are just the uncle.

Axel: Right, right.


Kindergarten kids: WoW she's so pretty!

Jolene(5): Hehe thank you *waddles off*

Jason(5): Mommy?

Bridgette: *has Jason's hand* Yes, Jason?

Jason(5): How come everyone loves Jolene? But I'm pretty much no one?

Bridgette: Jason, I love you. What do people think about you anyways? Why should you care?

Jason(5): *shrugs*

Bridgette: Mommy's gonna go cry in her room now, have a good day. *walks off*

Jason(5): But-

The kids: Is he your brother?

Jolene(5): ...No

The kids: Alright!

Jason(5): Oh..okay..

-timeskip to lunch-

The kindergarten bully: *casually trips Jason*

Jason(5): *falls over* Oop-

The kids: *laughs at him*

Jolene(5): ....*laughs with them*

The teacher: *grabs Jason and pulls him out*

-years later in HS during the whole yknow process bc im not getting there—

Jason(14): I just don't understand why you always have to be in the center of attention.

Jolene(14): Jason, don't start this again.

Jason(14): Start what? START WHAT?!

Jolene(14): Jason.

Jason(14): *laughs and cries* You've been loved since the day you were born! Praised~ admired~ and it's fucking stupid! I bet you feel so great don't you?! Well I'm gonna take that away from you!

Jolene(14): Jason wh—

Jason(14): *drags her to the bathroom*

-i think we know where this about to go- anyways timeskip-

Bridgette: *walks in and sees Jolene on the floor, bleeding* JOLENE!

Jolene(14): M...om..

Bridgette: *swoops her up* FOX START THE CAR

Fox, who was there watching Loki: Huh? Okay *runs out and starts the car*

-at hospital-

Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss yada yada-

Jason(14): So she's dead?

Doctor: Yes, that is what that means.

Bridgette: *sobs*

Loki(15): *looks at Jason knowing what he did*

Ghost!Jolene(14): ....*casually fuses with Jason*

Jason(14): *left eye turns blue cuz of it-*

Bridgette: Kids- let's go home- you too Fox.

-goes home all of em- -

-flashback kinda ends-

Chase: Okay but-

Bridgette: Let me dumb it down for you. Jason killed Jolene. He...well I can only go as far as saying he stabbed her brutally. And let's just say she wasn't just bleeding from her stomach either. And she died in the hospital. And I guess she ended up fusing with him.

Chase: Then why does she look different?

Bridgette: Probably because she took Jason's traits seeing as though they still fuse like that.

Chase: Um-

Bridgette: They're only separate when you guys are around.

Jolene: So technically I don't exist.

Jason: ...Why are we talking about this.

The kiddos: WoAh shit-

Bridgette: They asked.

Jason: And?

Bridgette: *sighs*

Fox: Oh wait Jason did that? Huh. Well I always wondered why you kept hiding it from them. Now I know why.

Jolene: But- I forgive him! Even if technically I don't have my own body!

Loki: Jolene. He's a monster.

Jolene: Okay but he changed!

Loki: So what if he changed?! It doesn't change the fact that he did it! It doesn't change the fact that it can happen again!

Chase: Gee who knew that was the real story.

Loki: I've always known, and then I told mom. That's how she knows.

Chase: And she didn't take action against him?

Bridgette: What was I supposed to do? She was already dead. And grounding him wouldn't be a good enough punishment compared to what he's done.

Chase: That's fair.

Loki: But I guess- we won't have to worry about it happening again. I hope.

Jason: I'm perfectly sane now, thank you. The only thing wrong is that I'm traumatized from what Ian has done to me, although I deserved it.

Bridgette: Ugh this subject is too dark for even me- can we move on-

Fox: Certified freak-


Fox: Aww..:(

The kiddos: *hyena laughs-*

𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz