Incorrect Quotes 3

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Katsuki: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.

Risa: All I drank was Redbull!

Katsuki: How many?

Risa: Eighteen.


Oikawa: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.

Katsuki: I have that dream too. But you go in the other direction.


Iwaizumi: *looks at Agnes then at Oikawa* She's speaking some kind of French.

Oikawa: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.


Noya: Are you trying seduce me?

Risa: Why, are you seducible?


Katsuki: Know why I called you in here?

Oikawa: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.

Katsuki: *stops pouring two glasses of apple juice* Accidentally?


Risa: Who the fuck—

Nobuo: Language!

Risa: Whom the fuck—

Nobuo: No.


Nikko: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgement and criticism.

Nobuo: And you came to me?


Risa: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.

Azume: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.


Katsuki: How are we looking?

Risa: Sexy, but not like we're trying too hard.

Katsuki: Like, sure, we're trying but it's almost effortless.


-Future AU-

Noya: Last night I found out Risa is a sleep talker.

Suga who is visiting: Oh, really?

Noya: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.



Mad Dog: I tried to let go of my anger and threw a rock at my foot!

Iwaizumi: *looks at Agnes* And what happened to you?!

Agnes: Oh, I laughed so hard I burst a blood vessel in my nose. It's fine.


Katsuki, plotting still: Everyone know what they're doing?

Risa: In general or the plan?

Katsuki: The plan, Risa.

Risa: *sighs in relief*


Akira: *in the chip aisle at Walmart doing a late night grocery run*

Akira: *grabs tortilla chips*

Noya to Risa: See, she knows what she's here for. She knows what she's doing. Be more like her. MAKE A DECISION, RISA


Agnes: Thanks, cutiepie.

Mad Dog: Ugh.

Agnes: Sorry, I'll think of a better one than cutiepie. You're my angel...dust. Sorry, that's a drug.


Katsuki: I'm sorry for all the stuff I said.

Aera: And for punching me in the face?

Katsuki: No, you definitely deserved that.


Aera trying to help Agnes: *looks at Mad Dog* Those pants look great, and I bet they'd look even better on Agnes' floor.

Agnes: Are you hitting Kyotani...for me?


Oikawa: I've lied to every girl I said "I love you" to. I thought I loved them but then I met you and realized I've never been in love before.

Aera: Aw, I did not need to know that.

Oikawa: Yeah, it was eating me up inside. So, I called them each individually and said "I never loved you"

Aera: Okay, that seems unnecessary.


Katsuki: We're going mattress shopping.

Iwaizumi: You know, once we get it, we'll have to break it in.

Katsuki: Oh, I hear what you're saying. Mattress trampoline.


Katsuki: Wait, no. You were talking about sex.


Makki: Uh oh.

Agnes: What?

Makki: Somebody's in love.

Agnes: Yeah, right. I just think Kyotani's cool. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him.

Agnes later that night: Uh oh.


Nari: I did a bad thing

Nikko: Does it affect me?

Nari: No.

Nikko: Then suffer in silence.


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