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Ian: And I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my-

Jason: You don't have any, Ian.

Ian: How do you know?

Jason: You just don't.

Ian: But you've never seen me shirtless. Unless you want to.

Jason: Nah.

Ian: Oh.

Mariah: When are you gonna realize he l-

Ian: Mariah, no.

Mariah: Okay.

Sonia: What were you gonna say?

Mariah: Nothing.

Sonia: Okay.

Cyanide: Didn't you two kiss?

Jason: With socks on.

Cyanide: Yeah.

Fax: Yo I'm totally back from the dead

Gette: Oh my- I genuinely thought you just- died

Fax: Same

Bridgette: We're just gonna move from the fact that Jason and Ian kissed?

Jason: Yeah.

Bridgette: Um. Aight.

Fax: Lol remember when I was scared of Gold

Gette: Why in every conversation I'm here for, someone mentions Gold?

Everyone: *shrugs*

Sawbone: *tossing a knife and catching it* Probably because you were married to him once. *throws the knife at the wall at a picture of Gold and it hits the head*

Gette: What do you have against him?

Sawbone: Everything.

Bridgette: You were kinda like him before..

Sawbone: Listen. When it comes to the point when my fucking sister is scared to go outside, it's a problem. Because if she could easily handle me as a person and couldn't handle someone like Gold, that's when he becomes my issue. The only reason why I have this damn job is so I can provide for her. When my mom died and my dad went to prison, I couldn't just leave her to fend for herself could I? No. Yeah, Pip's tough now but she wasn't then. That son of a bitch didn't have a reason to do what he did, he just found it fun. I'm doing the shit I do to provide for my sister because if it weren't for me she'd be dead!


Sawbone: WHAT? NO!

Cyanide: Aww that's adorable.

Wasp: We're gonna die.

Sawbone: *huffs*

Fax: Wow thats uh-

Fox: Dark.

Fax: No not really dark

Gette: Wow. Now I really wanna punch him.

Ashton: And you didn't want to before hand?

Bridgette: More like she wanted to use yall as punching bags instead. *laughs*

Gette: It's not funny.

Ashton: It's really not.

Bridgette: My bad,,

Sonia: This is stupid

Ian: What's stupid?

Sonia: Mom's here. So that means her rat husband might show up.

Jason: Not this again.

Bridgette: Sonia. Please. Don't start. Not today.

Sonia: I'm just saying, maybe I'd be nicer if he didn't take more than two goddamn years to parent us and STILL ISN'T PARENTING US! JASON'S OLD ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT AT THIS POINT!

Bridgette: I'm sure-

Jason: Mom. You can't keep excusing this kind of behavior. This is considered neglect. And you're only justifying it.

Bridgette: I don't know how to convince him to start. I've tried everything.

Mariah: It's not your fault. It's nothing you can control.

Bridgette: *starts sobbing* I'm sorry. I'm trying everything I can.

Cyanide: It's okay Bridgette. I promise.

Bridgette: Okay.

Sawbone: Mm. He's only giving them the same parental issues we had.

Gette: Uh- change the subject-

Jason: Gay.

Ian: Oooh like me! Wanna be gay with me pretty boy~?

Jason: No thanks. I have a girlfriend.

Ian: Man I was joking, besides what happened between bros before hoes?

Jason: If I slept with you, you'd be considered a hoe.

Ian: *sweatdrops* Man you were so much cooler then. Popular with the ladies, honestly you'd fuck anyone!

Sonia: Like the Spanish teacher!

Eveyone: Like the Spanish teacher...

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