70: Awkward Moments Never Cease

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The water felt perfect on my skin as I lay on my back and let myself just float there. Sun danced off of the water of the pool around me and I watched the reflection of clouds against it. Yes it was definitely worth moving here. I told myself with a soft smile. The pool makes it all worth it.

The sound of the sliding door opening from the patio caused me to look upwards. There Kale stood, peering down at me. Beside him was a girl I vaguely recognized from school clinging onto his arm. “Oh hi Rein!” the girl gushed at me. I watched as she turned to Kale and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you invited her too?”

“I live here.” I answered for him and swam over to the edge of the pool. I could feel both of their eyes on me as I hoisted myself out.

“You do?” she gasped sounding utterly surprised. “Are you like siblings or something?”

“No.” Kale and I said in perfect unison quickly. Uhg smooth move. I thought as she looked from me to him. But her smile never faded from her face, she was too happy to just be with him to notice anything was weird.

“His dad and my mom are friends.” I lied flatly. I didn’t want to admit that we’d be related in a month or two. It seemed like just saying it out loud would make it happen faster. I didn’t even know why I didn’t want anyone to know we’d be related. I just didn’t.

Kale didn’t seem to mind this lie. In fact he encouraged it. “Yeah, she’s just living here until she finishes school.”

“Oh.” she giggled and walked over to me as I snagged up my towel and wrapped it around my body. “You’re really lucky!”

“Lucky?” I asked flatly.

She nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah. You must be so excited to get to be around guys all the time!” the girl, whose name I still couldn’t remember, took off her towel and laid it where mine had been. “It’s gotta be fun to be able to catch an eyeful whenever you want to?”

I choked back a laugh. Is this girl serious? Does she think guys just walk around here all ythe time and I can attatch myself to whatever one I want?!

“She’s not like that.” Kale said stiffly and I looked to him as I suddenly realized he was still there. He stood watching the pair of us. Did he just stick up for me? “Besides, she’s dating Jakeson.” I could hear the annoyed tone as he said this. Ah, he hates Jakeson. That’s right.

I suddenly remembered why I’d considered dating Jakeson in the first place. It had been to get over Kale. But now… now as I thought of Jakeson I smiled brightly. “Almost two months now.” I contributed and pushed my wet hair up into a pony tail.

“I heard.” she nodded enthusiastically. “But I didn’t hear you were living here? Doesn’t he hate that uh-uh-“ she looked from Kale to me then blush, “well that he’s here too?”

“Oh no.” I said rushing with a shake of my head. “No he doesn’t mind.”

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