Echoes of the Past Prologue

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Jack remembered the screaming.

He awoke with a gasp, thinking it was a dream but as he woke, he found himself thrashing on the bed, crying Jackie's name.

"No," the president sobbed. "Jackie."

He averted his eyes to the surroundings. Where am I?

He swung his feet across the bed, expecting a pain in his back but only there was sickness. Confused, Jack pressed his hand against his back. There was still no back pain.

Scared and worried, Jack got up and faced the window. What he saw scared him.

A young man with no slicked hair and instead uncombed gazes back at the man staring in the mirror. Jack was so shocked, he almost stumbled backwards.

What? was all Jack could think. What sort of trickery is this?!

Jack was frightened. What had happened to his presidential jacket? It was nowhere in sight.

Jack pressed a hand to his temple and felt a sharp pain ignite in his temple.

"Ow!" Jack said, his voice raspy and feeling like he had a stroke.

There was a knock at the door. "Jack? Buddy, you okay?"

Kick? He went slack as he recognized his sister's voice. How is she alive?! What's going on?

Poor Jack was so confused as she came in, a befuddled expression on her pretty face. She looked around.

"Jack? You seem pale."

Jack stared at her wide eyed.

"I'm dreaming," he exclaimed. "Kick, aren't you dead?"

Her expression turned sour. "What? No. Jack I'm right here."

"You died!" Jack hissed angry. "You were killed in a plane crash!"

She shook her head. "Are you okay? Are you sure you're not building a fever up?"

"I'm not! Where am I?"

"Geez, Jack. You're at home. Calm down. You sound like a dictator or something like that."

Jack pushed back her and rushed down the stairs. He looked outside and rubbed his eyes. It was dark outside. He slammed into a short looking youngster. He looked down annoyed.

"Sorry!" The younger version of Bobby said. "I didn't see you."

Jack bit his tongue to stop himself from coming up with a snarky retort. He frowned. "Bobby? Bobby is that you?" He laughed. "You're short."

The anger in front of Bobby hadn't been built yet. He was shy but in his later years, he'd become the man the public would fear.

"Well, of course I'm short," Bobby replied. "I'm the runt, aren't I? And you're the top dog?"

Jack cringed. Poor Bobby, he wouldn't know what'd hit him.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air," Jack muttered before slamming the door in Bobby's face and going out to the porch.

As Jack sat down, he felt a tear run from his eye. He didn't want to cry.

I'm in the past, Jack thinks. I'm in the past. I can change my future. I can fix the mistakes. I won't let Father's influence hold over me. I'll marry Jackie and I'll be faithful to her. I'll stop Hitler before he can cause more terror. I'll become president, but I won't die in Dallas.

The list of his plans were in his head. Now all Jack had to do was wait.

Wait for the time to strike.


Not sure if I'll be updating tomorrow, Merry Christmas guys! 🎅🎄
Sleep tight! 😋💕

Echoes of the PastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora